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  • 5 Facts you NEED to know about ChatGPT šŸ‘€

5 Facts you NEED to know about ChatGPT šŸ‘€

šŸ§  5 ChatGPT facts you should know, FTC investigates AI Big Tech, OpenAI updates Turbo models, and more!

Outsmart The Future

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Today in Everyday AI
8 minute read

šŸŽ™ Daily Podcast Episode: Thereā€™s too much garbage info about ChatGPT out there. We investigate and report back to you with straight facts. Hereā€™s 5 facts you should know. Give it a listen.

šŸ•µļøā€ā™‚ļø Fresh Finds: An AI operating system for teams, Sam Altman to build semiconductor plants, and AI companies chasing AGI. Read on for Fresh Finds.

šŸ—ž Byte Sized Daily AI News: FTC investigates AI Big Tech, OpenAI updates Turbo models, and Intel stocks drop. For that and more, read on for Byte Sized News.

šŸš€ AI In 5: Can you ACTUALLY make a video with only text using this GPT? Find out here

šŸ§  Learn & Leveraging AI: Think you know everything about ChatGPT? Hereā€™s some facts you probably donā€™t know and that will turn you into a pro. Keep reading for that!

ā†©ļø Donā€™t miss out: Did you miss our last newsletter? We talked about the future of AI in real estate, Apple GPT and Siri rumors, Microsoft hits $3 Trillion market cap, and a GPT for better property listings. Check it here!

5 ChatGPT Facts You Might Not Know šŸ§ 

There's a lot of things that you have wrong about ChatGPT.

No. Itā€™s not that youā€™re using the wrong super prompt or following the steps of some random Crypto kid-turned NFT pro-turned ChatGPT expert influencer.

Whether it's the way you use it or what you understand ChatGPT to be, there's some things you should know to properly leverage it.

We're giving you 5 ChatGPT facts you might not know.

Join the conversation and ask Jordan questions on ChatGPT here.

Also on the pod today:

ā€¢ Common Misconceptions on ChatGPT šŸ¤”
ā€¢ Structural Changes in ChatGPT šŸ› ļø
ā€¢ Ways to Improve Outputs in ChatGPT āœ…

Itā€™ll be worth your 50 minutes:

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Hereā€™s our favorite AI finds from across the web:

New AI Tool Spotlight ā€“ Readvox is a Chrome extension that reads your webpages, Sune is an AI operating system for teams, and Opendraft helps you generate articles.

Trending in AI ā€“ Recently Anthropic trained its chatbot to lie. This study shows that normal techniques used to fix that issue didnā€™t work.

Big Tech - Sam Altman is meeting with two of the biggest producers in memory chips as he looks to build his semiconductor plants.

Business of AI ā€“ AGI seems to be the next rage among AI companies. But what exactly is AGI?

Pop Culture ā€“ George Carlinā€™s estate is suing a fake AI generated comedy special.

1. FTC Launches Investigation on Big Tech AI šŸ¤–

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is turning up the heat on AI giants like Amazon, Alphabet (Googleā€™s parent company), and Microsoft. FTC Chair Lina Khan announced a market inquiry into the investments and partnerships between AI developers and major cloud service providers. This study could have major implications as it aims to uncover any anti-competitive practices or deceptive tactics used by these companies.

2. OpenAI Drops Dev Prices and Update Turbo Models šŸ‘€

OpenAI is shaking things up with the release of updated models and reduced prices for API access. GPT-3.5 Turbo is now even faster and more affordable than GPT-4.

GPT-3.5 Turbo input prices are dropping by 50% and output by 25%. GPT-4 Turbo also gets a new API update fixing its laziness with tasks like coding.

3. Samsung's Galaxy S24 Launches in China with Baidu's AI Power šŸ¤Æ

Samsung is shaking things up in China by teaming up with Baidu, leaving out Google, to power its Galaxy AI features for the newly launched Galaxy S24 lineup.

Baidu's chatbot, Ernie, takes the spotlight, offering AI translation, summarization, and text formatting features. This move is likely due to Google's limited presence in China, where Android devices are sold without Google apps and services.

4. Intel's Bleak Outlook Sends Shockwaves Through Chip Industry šŸ˜³

Intel's stock plummets nearly 11% as the chipmaker faces challenges in the AI race and weak demand in the PC market. The company could lose over $22 billion in market value, signaling troubles ahead.

This forecast also impacts other major players like Nvidia, Advanced Micro Devices, Qualcomm, and Micron Technology, causing their stocks to fall as well.

5. Elon Musk's xAI Looks To Raise $6 Billion šŸ’ø

Musk's AI start-up, xAI, has been engaging with wealthy individuals and investors from around the world, aiming to raise a whopping $6 billion in fresh equity.

The proposed valuation for xAI stands at a staggering $20 billion. While negotiations are still ongoing and investor appetite is being tested, this ambitious fundraising effort reflects the enormous costs and computing power required to develop generative AI models.

Will this GPT allow you to create videos with JUST text?

Can you really make a complete video for free with a GPT?

Veed GPT allows you to turn text into video inside ChatGPT.

Is it worth your time? We try it for you!

Or take a look at this related video:

šŸ¦¾How You Can Leverage:

Letā€™s keep it real ā€” thereā€™s a lot of bad info out there about ChatGPT. 

  • Thereā€™s 19-year-old ā€œChatGPT expertsā€ who are spewing garbage. 

  • Media companies regurgitate whatā€™s in press releases. 

  • And OpenAI does what any billion dollar company does best ā€” slick marketing. 

So we decided it was time for a reality check today and to separate fact from fiction

Whether youā€™re a ChatGPT expert, a casual user, or just wanna know more about how large language models work, todayā€™s show is for you. 

We did all the homework, so you can just copy our answers. 

So, letā€™s cut through the confusion and get to the crux of the matter. And weā€™ll talk about how knowing these 5 facts about ChatGPT can help you grow your company and your career. 


Letā€™s get it. šŸ‘‡

1 ā€“ Tokens, not words šŸŖ™ļø

One of the most gag-worthy things we see online is people saying, ā€˜hereā€™s how you get ChatGPT to write like you! Just send it 10 examples of your writing, and PRESTO!ā€

Nah. Doesnā€™t work that way shorties.

Thatā€™s because ChatGPT (and other large language models) donā€™t actually understand words. 

Likeā€¦. Literally. 

Instead, they convert parts of words and sentences into tokens, and use context to try and understand what your words actually mean. 

What it means: The better you understand tokenization, the greater your results will be out of ChatGPT. Especially now as enterprise companies ramp up their use of ChatGPT, itā€™s more important than ever to understand the basics of how ChatGPT actually works. 

We suggest playing around with OpenAIā€™s tokenizer, then checking out this episode. 

2 ā€“ Keep memory in mind šŸ§ 

You know that feeling when ChatGPT starts a conversation doing EXACTLY what you wanted?

Like, for a few back and forth sequences, it performs like Superman before quickly morphing into Clark Kent? 

What the flip Clark!? Bring Superman back.

Thatā€™s because ChatGPT has a much smaller memory than the internet might want you to believe. 

What it means: When OpenAI announced its updated model, GPT4 Turbo, they announced it had 128K token context window, or about a 95,000 word memory. 

But, as you saw live on todayā€™s show, thatā€™s not actually the truth for ChatGPT. That 128K context window is for the API, not for ChatGPT, which still has a 32K token memory. 

3 ā€“ Browse with Bing is sneaky šŸ«£

Berry, berry sneaky. 

Not on purpose, though. But as we start to incorporate LLMs into our daily business lives, you GOTTA be able to look under the hood and understand the engine. 

(//Also, can we all PLEASE stop paying attention to these 21-year-old ChatGPT ā€˜experts?ā€™ Theyā€™re just trying to smoke and mirror you into buying some crap product theyā€™re peddling, and following their ā€œadviceā€ could legit tank your biz. Rant over.//) 

So, hereā€™s why you gotta pay close attention to Browse with Bing, which connects ChatGPT Plus to Microsoftā€™s Bing search engine. In short ā€” it can actually CAUSE hallucinations, which we showed today.

What it means: If youā€™re using ChatGPT for any important project, youā€™ve gotta keep a watchful eye on what information Browse with Bing brings in. 

Is it useful? Sure! 

Is it potentially problematic? Absolutely. 

We recommended using ChatGPTā€™s plugin mode first and foremost, as it may be phased out soon. Also, check out how and why some AI chats are lying to you about the internet. 

4 ā€“ Hallucinations are actually rare šŸ¦„

When we hear AI leaders talk about how LLMs are untrustworthy because of hallucinations, that means one thing. 

They legit donā€™t understand proper ways to use ChatGPT. 

If you make your inputs more precise and narrow, you greatly reduce the likelihood of hallucinations. (Like, we use ChatGPT for most weeks 15+ hours, and hardly ever run into hallucinations.) 

What it means: If youā€™re running into hallucinations, you should do two things. 

First, check out this episode: 

THEN, take our PPP course, yā€™all! 

Just reply ā€œPPPā€ to this email, and weā€™ll send you the private registration page for our free live Prime, Prompt, Polish ChatGPT training. 

5 ā€“ OpenAI is making a mistake šŸ¤¦

Not even #HotTakeTuesday, and weā€™re bringing a little spice. So this is technically an opinion with some fact behind it, but ā€˜4.5 Facts You Might Not Know About ChatGPTā€™ sounded like a confusing episode title to us. 

In short, OpenAI is making a huge mistake with its rumored/kinda confirmed decision to pull the plug on Plugins mode and instead prioritize and replace that mode with GPTs. 

What it means:

  • OpenAI is an amazing company, but sometimes seems to make decisions with developers in mind (1% of their users) vs. the general public (99% of their users). 

  • Itā€™s been kinda confirmed that OpenAI is eventually phasing out plugins in lieu of its new GPTs. 

  • While GPTs are great for beginners, getting advanced functionality and true business automation inside GPTs requires some advanced coding and technical knowledge. 

  • Even with that advanced coding and technical knowledge, the best GPT will still lack the usefulness of a chat with 3 plugins enabled in Plugins mode. 

  • We teach ā€˜Plugin Packsā€™ in our free PPP and free PPP Pro courses, which shows you how to pick the proper combination of 3 plugins to automate some of the most time-consuming manual tasks for your business. 

  • When/if the Plugins mode is retired, that easy zero-code Plugins Automation is out the window and cannot be easily replaced even with the most advanced GPT (they way theyā€™re built today). 

  • This potential oversight will ultimately cause ChatGPT to lose out paying customers to Microsoft Copilot Pro, and maybe even Claude or Bard, if Google can get its act together. 


Numbers to watch


Intelā€™s stock has dropped more than 12% after it released its first quarter revenue. Analysts suggested Intel was not honed in enough on its AI offerings and innovation.

Now This ā€¦

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