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Is AI going to change advertising as we know it?

Will AI change advertising completely? 🤔

Friday, April 28, 2023

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What’s the future of advertising with AI?

 Exciting. To say the least. Hear what Rasha Shaker, a Senior Digital Media Specialist at bohan, had to say about advertising and AI

Also on the pod today:- The RNC is using deepfakes for political ads

- China is behind the US in the AI chat race

- How you can win a free YEAR of premium ChatGPT

It’ll be worth your 15 minutes:

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1. Jobs in AI? No way  The biggest tech companies have been slashing its workforces for months, leading to tens of thousands of layoffs. Guess where they’re not cutting costs? In AI. The biggest companies are doubling down (and then some) with investment in AI resources and employers building out AI.

2. Hi. I’m Dr. ChatGPT -- Are we getting AI doctors soon? Maybe. Maybe not. But we know this to be true: AI has better bedside manner than doctors. According to a recent study from JAMA Internal Medicine, ChatGPT was rated higher for quality and empathy than human doctors in a study. Go meet Dr. ChatGPT

3. Alexa is (hopefully) getting smarter -- Can we all agree that Amazon’s Alexa seems to have zero usage after using ChatGPT? Seems like the big AZ is catching on to that, too. They’re building their own LLM (large language model) to make Alexa more useful. (Hopefully)

4. Your clone would like to have a chat -- If you haven’t seen the tech that allows you to (literally) clone your likeness, it’s trippy. And (kinda?) awesome. One of the main company’s in the space, Synthesia, has been on both sides of the deepfakes debate. Useful? Yes. Scary and able to (maybe) access your bank account. Yes.  

5. All in the AI supply? -- You ever negotiate prices as a buyer or seller? Well, Walmart is trying to skip that whole thang. Now, Walmart is using an AI chatbot to negotiate with suppliers for the best prices. What’s that mean for thousands of jobs in the logistics/supply industry? Go find out where it’s trending.

We’re giving away TWO year-long subscriptions to premium ChatGPT. ($120 value each!) You want this.

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Tell your friends about Everyday AI, and you’re automatically entered to win a yearlong subscription to ChatGPT premium. Boomdone.

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