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  • How AI will change the local SEO game 🤖

How AI will change the local SEO game 🤖

🔎 AI-SEO insights from a Marketing Specialist, Nvidia, Palantir, and More Join White House AI Pledge, creating a GPT-powered bot for your site, and more!

Outsmart The Future

Today in Everyday AI
7 minute read

🎙 Daily Podcast Episode: Marketing with AI is a great resource for small businesses to level the playing field against the competition. So how can you take full advantage? Check it out.

🕵️‍♂️ Fresh Finds: Creating AI-powered interactive demos, Intel sells its stake in IMS Nanofabrication for $440 million, and viewing galaxies with an AI telescope. Read on for Fresh Finds.

🗞 Byte Sized Daily AI News: Coca-Cola’s new AI-created flavor, Nvidia, Palantir, and more join White House AI Pledge and Salesforce’s new Einstein CoPilot Studio. For that and more, read on for Byte Sized News.

🚀 AI In 5: Looking to add a GPT-powered bot to enhance user experience and boost engagement? See how here.

🧠 Learn & Leveraging AI: You can save tons of time on your marketing with AI. Wondering where to start? We break it down for you. Keep reading for that!

↩️ Don’t miss out: Did you miss our last newsletter? We talked about how to tell compelling stories with AI, Meta takes on OpenAI with its own GPT-4, and how to get better answers from ChatGPT. Check it here!

AI and Marketing -
A Freelancer's Secret Weapon 💫

AI and marketing go hand in hand and can be a freelancer's or small business’ greatest tool.

Even if you aren't a marketer or freelancer, everyone needs to do some aspect of marketing.

Mike Forgie, a Freelance Marketing Specialist, joins us to share insights on how AI can level the playing field for freelancers and small businesses in the world of marketing.

Join the conversation and ask Mike and Jordan any questions about AI and marketing here.

Also on the pod today:

• Will AI search affect SEO? 🔍
• Using ChatGPT for marketing 🧑‍💻
• AI tools for marketing 🛠️

It’ll be worth your 34 minutes:

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Wednesday, September 13th at 7:30 am CST ⬇️

Here’s our favorite AI finds from across the web:

New AI Tool Spotlight – CustomFit.ai is a website personalization and A/B testing platform, supademo lets you create AI-powered interactive demos and Go-To-Market is your AI assistant helping you with everything you need to go to market.

Business of AI – Intel's making headlines, selling its stake in IMS Nanofabrication to TSMC for a cool $440 million.

AI in Society - The Climate Action Against Disinformation has sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer hoping he’ll discuss AI pollution at the AI meeting with other tech leaders.

AI in Science – A new AI telescope lets you see galaxies from the city.

Read This – So with all this AI regulation talk, you may be wondering how AI regulation will affect businesses? Some believe self-regulation is the smarter move for businesses.

1. Coca-Cola Unveils AI Created Flavor 🌐

Coca-Cola's taking a sip of the future with its new Y3000 bottle. This innovative bottle is designed for a sustainable future, blending tech and eco-friendliness. As companies worldwide push for greener solutions, Coca-Cola's looks to lead the charge in style.

2. Nvidia, Palantir, and More Join White House AI Pledge 🇺🇸

Eight tech giants, including Salesforce, Nvidia, and IBM, are hopping aboard the White House's AI pledge, committing to reduce AI risks. This voluntary commitment now boasts 15 of the U.S.'s top companies, all promising to craft tech that can spot AI-generated images and share safety data with the US government and scholars.

3. Tech Company Predicts Crime with Social Media? 📊
A tech company is making bold claims, boasting its AI can predict crime using social media policing. But it's not all smooth sailing; they're also duking it out with Meta in court. As AI's role in law enforcement grows, the ethical and legal battles are just beginning.

4. Copyright Clash with ChatGPT 📝

OpenAI's in hot water as writers are taking legal action, claiming ChatGPT's infringing on their copyrights. It's a landmark case, setting the stage for how AI-generated content is viewed in the eyes of the law. Check out the writers' claims here.

5. Salesforce's Einstein Gets a Makeover: Meet the CoPilot Studio!

Salesforce is taking customization to the next level with the introduction of Einstein CoPilot Studio. This new tool lets users tweak their AI models to better suit their unique business needs without needing a PhD in data science.

Creating a GPT-Powered Bot For
Your Website 🤖

Thinking of supercharging your website with a chatbot? But not just any chatbot - one powered by GPT?

Dive into our Algomo review and discover how you can effortlessly integrate a GPT-powered chatbot to enhance user experience and boost engagement.

🤷‍♂️ What’s Going On and Why It Matters:

Marketing has changed.

Gone are the days of slow, manual processes and repetitive tasks. To say Generative AI has flipped the marketing world upside down would be the understatement of the day. (Or maybe the week, but we’re not sure what kinda understatements you’re throwing out there.)

So how do we make sense of this upside-down AI/marketing landscape? Bring in an expert. Of course.

Entering the chat: Mike Forgie, a local freelance marketing specialist. With more than a decade in the marketing biz, he came ready to talk all aspects of marketing.

What did we uncover?

A lot. (And make sure to read to the end for a lil surprise Mike has for us all.)

Like, maybe too much for today’s newsletter, even.

Let’s get the tl;dr version here y’all:

Learn GenAI by hiring people smarter than you

Use ChatGPT to win back time

AI tools are GREAT for brainstorming and creativity

Mike himself brought up our PPP course! (Have you NOT taken it yet?)

He recommended great software to improve all aspects of marketing

SEO used to take more time. Now, AI helps simplify it all.

Freelancers have advantages thanks to AI.

And that’s not even really touching on today’s main topic — improving your local marketing! Sheeesh.

Alright, let’s dive in there, shall we?

(1, 2, 3 juuuuuuuump)

🦾How You Can Leverage:

We apologize. 

We reaaaaallly wanted to focus on local marketing and AI, which is what Mike is kinda known for. But sometimes, you get distracted by cool, shiny stuff.

Like going to Target for shampoo, and leaving with 17 other things from that front section that you had no clue you needed. (*This newsletter is not sponsored by Target, we just get lost there sometimes.)

Alright, let’s put those 17 things back on the shelf, and talk local marketing. Because if you rely on search traffic for a local biz, you’ve got a LOT to gain from today’s show.

Let’s up your local marketing game, get more customers in the door, and get them local leads flooding into your inbox.

1 – Use ChatGPT to ideate & create 💭

Mike mentioned this, and we couldn’t agree more. Use ChatGPT to put your own unique spin on creating content. People say ChatGPT isn’t creative, but we legit debunked that already.

Use ChatGPT to come up with unique content ideas, to better research your customers’ pain points, and how to repurpose content for your local biz. (And while you’re in there, go ahead and train ChatGPT on good and bad examples of content for your vertical. If you put in the work, you’ll get MUCH better content out!)

Try this:
Guess what? We’ve already put together more than 25 episodes on creating content with AI.

If today’s episode got your gears grinding, go explore specific episodes, like how to Use ChatGPT to Build Your Business Base, or AI Secrets to Supercharge Your Marketing with Marc de Grasse, the president of Digital Marketer.

2 – AI + local service pages = BOOM 💥

Here’s a lil local SEO secret, courtesy of Mike and our team at Accelerant, which also works with local SEO clients: you need more content. Tons.

And Google is totally OK with AI content, as long as it’s high-quality, like Mike mentioned. In other words, high-quality content from AI will mostly always rank better than poor-quality content from humans.

Try this:
One of Mike’s favorites (and our’s too!) is Frase. Think of what would happen if ChatGPT was trained on SEO-optimized copy, and also could crunch high-ranking pages in your space.

That’s what Frase is.

Use Frase to create as many service pages as possible for your local biz. (Ex: page for photographer in Chicago, page for portrait photographer in Chicago, page for editorial portrait photographer in Chicago, etc.)

Another insider tip: once you start seeing impressions and clicks to your service pages, give each of those pages more human time, attention and updates.

3 – Get Mike’s AI SEO Guide 📑

Does the above sound confusing?

Maybe you’re a newbie, or trying to get your local marketing game off the ground. We gotcha. Mike sells a great guide geared to help marketers increase their SEO with AI tools.

Try this: Mike created a code THANKYOUJORDAN to get his AI + SEO guide for free, which he normally sells for $27. We don’t get anything for pointing you his way, and neither does he. He said he wanted to share the love for us EverydAIers, so go pick up a copy of his guide if you’re trying to up your SEO game with some AI tools!

(Note, you’ll need to still enter your billing details, but won’t be charged. We checked. Lol.)

Now This …

Do you ever get lost in Target as well? Just us? Lettuce know the most random Target buys you didn’t expect to buy. We like to laugh.


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