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  • Industry insider reveals keys to using AI for nonprofits 🔑

Industry insider reveals keys to using AI for nonprofits 🔑

👍 Responsible AI, Midjourney bans Stability AI employees, secret ChatGPT hack for better data analysis, and more!

Outsmart The Future

Today in Everyday AI
6 minute read

🎙 Daily Podcast Episode: Nonprofits can really benefit from AI but there needs to be some groundwork laid out before you can succeed. We give you the key you need. Give it a listen.

🕵️‍♂️ Fresh Finds: Creating AI images with character consistency, AI helping nuclear developers, and AI-generated content takes over YouTube. Read on for Fresh Finds.

🗞 Byte Sized Daily AI News: Midjourney bans Stability AI employees, Microsoft and Stanford partner for healthcare and former Google consultant says AI launch was rushed. For that and more, read on for Byte Sized News.

🚀 AI In 5: Here’s a simple ChatGPT hack to get better and more in-depth data analysis. See it here

🧠 Learn & Leveraging AI: So how can you incorporate AI into your nonprofit? We lay out some steps you can take. Keep reading for that!

↩️ Don’t miss out: Did you miss our last newsletter? We talked about innovating with AI, Sam Altman returns to OpenAI Board, Google NotebookLM review. Check it here!

Beyond AI Ethics - Why nonprofits must focus on beneficial and responsible AI 👍

One group that can really benefit from generative AI is nonprofits.

But what are the obstacles that nonprofits need to work around? How can they implement AI responsibly and successfully?

Luckily we brought on a guest who has worked with more than 10,000 nonprofits.

Nathan Chappell, Chief AI Officer at DonorSearch AI, is showing us the way.

Join the conversation and ask Jordan and Nathan questions on AI and nonprofits here.

Also on the pod today:

• Impact of Generative AI for Nonprofits 🛂
• Traditional Fundraising vs. generative AI 💸
• Digital Divide in Nonprofit Sector 👥

It’ll be worth your 35 minutes:

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Wednesday, March 13th at 7:30 am CST ⬇️

A Beautiful AI: How AI Can Shake Up the Beauty Industry

Here’s our favorite AI finds from across the web:

New AI Tool Spotlight – PitchBob.io is an AI pitch deck generator, RenderNet creates AI images with character consistency, and Firebender helps sales teams discover leads.

AI Startups – This startup is using AI to help nuclear developers.

AI and Coding — Cognition Labs released an autonomous coding agent, and it looks like it can use AI to spit out code with ease.

Money in AI - Pienso, a platform for training and fine-tuning AI models, has raised $10 million in a new funding round.

Pop Culture – Some YouTubers are predicting tons of AI-generated content to flood YouTube in 2024.

AI in Society – These Indiana school districts are using AI for security.

AI Creative Improvements — Pika labs just announced sound effects for AI videos and Midjourney just announced an easier way for consistent characters, a huge feature request amongst power users.

1. Midjourney Bans Stability AI Employees 🚫

Midjourney accuses Stability AI of causing a server outage due to suspicious "botnet-like activity" involving paid accounts. Stability AI's CEO denies intentional wrongdoing, hinting at a misunderstanding in the midst of the chaos. The feud escalates as Midjourney bans Stability AI employees from their service indefinitely.

2. Microsoft & Stanford Partner for AI Healthcare ⚕️

Stanford Medicine and Microsoft are deploying Nuance Dragon Ambient eXperience Copilot (DAX Copilot) across the board to streamline clinical documentation and enhance patient care. Preliminary surveys show that 96% of physicians find DAX Copilot easy to use, while WellSpan Health reports significant improvements in patient-physician interactions thanks to AI automation.

3. Former Google Consultant Says AI Launch Was Rushed 😬

Former Google consultant, Joe Toscano, sheds light on Google's hasty release of Gemini AI, leading to eyebrow-raising responses and historically inaccurate images. Toscano emphasizes the challenges of building intelligent systems and the importance of proper training in the AI field.

4. Oracle's Cloud Revenue Skyrockets 25% with NVIDIA Partnership 🚀

Oracle is teaming up with NVIDIA, leading to a whopping 25% surge in cloud revenue. Analysts are buzzing with excitement, projecting a potential $40 billion boost to Oracle's market value. The upcoming joint announcements at Nvidia's GTC developer conference have everyone wondering what’s to come.

5. Russia and China's Sneaky AI Strategies Against the US 🤨

According to U.S. intelligence agencies, Russia and China are up to no good, planning to use artificial intelligence to meddle in American politics and elections, aiming to sow discord and undermine the U.S. globally. The report highlights Russia's intention to impact the 2024 U.S. elections, while China is following a similar playbook, utilizing covert campaigns and AI tools to influence societal divisions.

A Simple ChatGPT Hack For Better Data Analysis!

If you want the most out of ChatGPT, here’s a hack to get better info out of Data Analysis.

Get better breakdowns of your data from spreadsheets and PDFs for more accurate data analysis with this hack

Or see this related video:

🦾How You Can Leverage:

Nonprofits are often thought of as dinosaurs when it comes to technology. 

(Hey, we can say that. Jordan worked at a nonprofit for 10 years.) 

But guess what groups can often benefit the most from Generative AI? 

You guessed it… nonprofits! 

So what are the barriers, and how can nonprofits leverage this cutting-edge tech while still respecting donor data and keep trust with stakeholders? 

Eeeeek. Sounds tricky. 😬

Well, it would be if we didn’t have Nathan Chappell showing us the way

Nathan is the Chief AI Officer at DonorSearch AI and has worked with more than 10,000 nonprofits, so he knows an answer or three on how nonprofits should be using AI for growth. 

(OK, he might know all the answers.) 

Whether you’re in the nonprofit sector or not, Nathan’s got a bag of insights. 

He’s been in the nonprofit space for decades and has years of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning experience. 

In other words, Nathan knows what’s what when it comes to properly leveraging AI. 

Let’s get to it, and recap what you need to know for how nonprofits (and others!) can benefit from AI in a responsible way. 👇

1 – Start small with trust 🤏

This might seem like tired advice when it comes to Generative AI implementation. But for nonprofits, you’ve gotta start with the smallest steps possible.

Oftentimes, nonprofits get left behind in the digital dust. 💨

For decades, enterprises have been years ahead of many nonprofits in terms of tech know-how. With GenAI, though, it can help level the playing field.

But nonprofits have to start small, and start with trust and explainability. Nonprofits need to be able to explain to volunteers, donors and others exactly how they’re using Generative AI and what outcomes they’re achieving in doing so.

Try this:
Luckily, DonorSearch has a complete guide to help nonprofits not only leverage AI, but how to do it while keeping trust high.

Go check out this explainer for nonprofits on what they need to know about Generative AI.

2 – Mind the GenAI gap 🤖

Can Generative AI be a bridge that closes the Generative AI gap? 


But, Nathan says it can always make the gap worse between tech-savvy orgs and those nonprofits struggling with GenAI. 

Here’s how: 
He stresses that while generative AI can indeed bridge the digital gap, there's a cautionary note that failing to adopt AI can lead to nonprofits falling further behind, emphasizing the exponential nature of AI advancement.

Nathan provided the practical advice for nonprofits to start small, take baby steps, and continuously learn about AI to stay relevant and competitive in the evolving landscape.

But, Nathan highlighted the fact that up to 60% of jobs may be impacted by AI.

And in the nonprofit space, that impact could hit hard. Especially with Generative AI making it so easy for organizations to quickly catch up in tech efficiencies where they've historically lagged behind. 

So while GenAI can be a tool that bridges, it can also be a tool that unfortunately makes the gap even wider between the GenAI haves and the have nots.  

Try this: 
Although not related to nonprofits, this report from McKinsey about the future of work in America with AI is a must-read. 

3 – Predictive AI + Generative AI 🤝

The future of nonprofits crushing it? 

Operating at the intersection of Predictive AI and Generative AI. 

What’s the difference? 

Nathan kept it simple: Generative AI creates things, whereas predictive AI predicts things. 

Bring them together? You get precision and personalization at scale. 

Try this: 
Nathan gave the example of Carvana operating at the intersection of predictive AI and Generative AI. 

They used customer data to predict what type of car they would like, then generative AI to create personalized videos for 1.3 million customers. 

Go read more about how Carvana accomplished this. 

Numbers to watch

$47 Million

Empathy, a startup focused on AI for practical and emotional bereavement process, has raised $47M.

Now This …

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