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  • How to give ChatGPT internet access 🧑‍💻️

How to give ChatGPT internet access 🧑‍💻️

NVIDIA under fire by DOJ, Claude Enterprise is here, connecting ChatGPT to the internet and more!

Outsmart The Future

Today in Everyday AI
7 minute read

🎙 Daily Podcast Episode: When using ChatGPT and other LLMs you need to know how to properly connect them to the internet. We show you how. Give it a listen.

🕵️‍♂️ Fresh Finds: Ex-OpenAI Co-founder raises $1B for his safety startup SSI, The NGA spends $700M on AI and a new AI model for cancer detection. Read on for Fresh Finds.

🗞 Byte Sized Daily AI News: NVIDIA under investigation by DOJ, Anthropic launches Claude Enterprise and UK clears Microsoft inflection deal. For that and more, read on for Byte Sized News.

🚀 AI In 5: We’re giving today’s episode the AI in 5 treatment and giving you 5 steps to access the internet with ChatGPT. See it here

🧠 Learn & Leveraging AI: We’re showing you how to properly connect ChatGPT to the internet and what you should keep in mind when using an LLM. Keep reading for that!

↩️ Don’t miss out: Did you miss our last newsletter? We talked about California's next AI bill, Canva's new subscription price and Musk shares an AI image of Kamala Harris. Check it here!

The Correct Ways To Give ChatGPT Access to the Internet 🧑‍💻

You're prolly doing this wrong. 

But when using ChatGPT and other LLMs, you've gotta understand how and when the models connect to the internet.

You think you're getting up-to-date and accurate information. But you're probably not.

We'll break it down and show you how to do it the right way.

Join the conversation and ask Jordan questions on ChatGPT here.

Also on the pod today:

• Outdated Data in ChatGPT
• Chain of Thought Prompting 🧠
• Correct Usage of ChatGPT

It’ll be worth your 46 minutes:

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Here’s our favorite AI finds from across the web:

New AI Tool Spotlight – Videoco turns videos into personalized AI conversations, PR-Agent is an AI-powered chat & code review and Basejump lets you chat with your database.

Trending in AI – OpenAI Co-founder Sutskever's new AI safety startup SSI has raised $1 billion.

AI in Government - The National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) is spending $700 million on AI computer vision systems that help pick out targets of interest.

AI Tech – Zillow’s upgraded AI search now allows you to find homes based on how far they are from a certain destination.

AI in Medical – A new AI foundation model called Chief can accurately detect multiple cancer types, assess treatments and predict survival rates.

Read This – The National Novel Writing Month’s (NaNoWriMo) recent announcement to allow the use of AI in writing has sparked major controversy.

1. NVIDIA Under Fire: DOJ Subpoena Sparks Antitrust Drama 🔥

NVIDIA is under investigation as the U.S. Department of Justice has issued a subpoena, intensifying concerns over the chipmaker's antitrust practices in the AI market. With competitors alleging that NVIDIA is abusing its market dominance, the company's recent quarterly forecast disappointed investors, causing shares to decline by 1.5% and resulting in a staggering $279 billion drop in market capitalization.

A company spokesperson claims NVIDIA's success is based on merit, but with inquiries from regulators in the U.S., EU, and other regions, the pressure continues to mount.

2. Claude Enterprise Challenges ChatGPT 🥊

Anthropic has officially launched Claude Enterprise, a subscription plan tailored for enterprise customers with enhanced administrative controls and security features. With an impressive context window of 500,000 tokens, Claude can manage extensive data sets, processing everything from 200,000 lines of code to 100-page documents in a single prompt, positioning itself as a strong competitor to OpenAI's ChatGPT Enterprise.

Additionally, the integration with GitHub allows engineering teams to sync their projects seamlessly, enhancing collaboration and efficiency.

3. Microsoft's Inflection Deal Cleared by UK Regulators 🇬🇧

The UK's Competition Markets Authority has approved Microsoft’s $650 million acquihire of AI startup Inflection, concluding that it does not pose significant competition concerns. Although Inflection is not a major competitor, the CMA pointed out that Microsoft hired nearly the entire Inflection team, acquiring valuable expertise in AI development.

This decision highlights the ongoing scrutiny of "quasi-merger" strategies among big tech companies and their implications for future transactions.

4. OpenAI Japan CEO Unveils Ambitious GPT-Next Model 👀

At the KDDI Summit 2024, Tadao Nagasaki, CEO of OpenAI Japan, made headlines by revealing that the upcoming GPT-Next is anticipated to be an astonishing 100 times more powerful than GPT-4, thanks to a superior architecture derived from OpenAI's mysterious Project Strawberry.

He emphasized that this leap in performance does not rely on a vast increase in computing resources, marking a significant shift in AI development. Additionally, he reported that ChatGPT has surpassed 200 million active users, making it the fastest software in history to achieve such a milestone.

5. Salesforce Partners with Anthropic to Enhance Einstein 🤝

Salesforce has made a significant move by teaming up with Anthropic, allowing customers to utilize Claude models—Claude 3.5 Sonnet, Opus, and Haiku—through Amazon Bedrock. This collaboration aims to improve efficiency and personalization across various business functions, including sales, customer service, and marketing, all while maintaining enterprise-grade security.

With tailored AI capabilities, industries like healthcare and finance can now benefit from enhanced insights and streamlined operations.

6. China Unveils Carbon TPU Poised to Transform AI Efficiency ⚡️

Scientists in China have introduced an innovative tensor processing unit (TPU) crafted from carbon nanotubes, potentially reshaping the landscape of energy-efficient artificial intelligence. This advanced chip achieves an impressive 1 trillion operations per watt while consuming only 295 microwatts, making it nearly 1700 times more efficient than Google's Edge TPU.

5 secret steps to properly give ChatGPT access to the Internet!

Accessing the internet is CRUCIAL when using ChatGPT.

The thing is, most people think they’re connected to the web but they’re not.

We’re showing you how to properly connect ChatGPT to the internet.

🦾How You Can Leverage:

Is your ChatGPT output actually …. Wrong? 

Hallucinations everywhere? 

Or giving you old info. 


We’ve taught thousands of business professionals the basics of prompt engineering and ChatGPT. 

And a common problem we see over and over? 

The misuse of Browse with Bing. 

Either peeps aren’t using it, when they should! 


They’re not using it correctly and missing out on what we think is one of the most underutilized features of any LLM. 

Don’t worry y’all. 

We tackled this today and showed you the correct way to connect ChatGPT to the internet. 

Apparently, this show was a banger. 

The key to getting better outputs out of ChatGPT? 

You need to start with higher quality, fresher and more relevant data than what models provide by default. 

Trust us. This will completely change your outputs. 

To make it easy, we broke today’s show down into 5 steps on how to do this the right way. 

Let’s delve shorties. 


1 – Unmask ChatGPT's Hidden Superpower 🧑‍🎨

ChatGPT isn't just a fancy chatbot – it's got a secret weapon called "Browse with Bing".

But OpenAI updated this bad boy and now it’s a legit answers engine and Perplexity contender. 

But here's the kicker: Browse with Bing is sometimes like a shy superhero that sometimes needs coaxing to show off its powers.

Let’s be honest — your default ChatGPT queries are working with data that's AT BEST from October 2023. 

That's almost a year old, y’all! So, you’ve gotta dive into the Bing deep end. 

Try this: 

Start your prompts with "Using Browse with Bing, tell me about...".

But don't just fire and forget! 

Keep your eyes peeled for that little Bing icon between your query and ChatGPT's response. If you don't see it, ChatGPT might be trying to pull a fast one on you with its outdated knowledge.

Pro tip: Sometimes ChatGPT will use Browse with Bing on its own, but don't count on it. Be the puppet master and MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Train your eyes to always check if Bing was used, even when you didn't explicitly ask for it.

2 – Time Travel Like a Boss 🎯

You wouldn't trust a weather forecast from last year, so why settle for ancient AI info?

It's time to turn ChatGPT into your personal time machine.

But like instead of the typical Time Machine where you go back in time, this Time Machine brings ChatGPT up to…. Current day. Lolz. 

The problem: Even when you use Browse with Bing, ChatGPT might still pull outdated info.

We've seen it query things like "LLMs recent developments 2023" when we're well into 2024 and ask it for recent developments.

That's a recipe for stale data, and even worse outputs. 


Try this: 

Get specific with your time travel. 

Instead of vague "recent" requests, hit ChatGPT with the one-two punch: 

"Using Browse with Bing, tell me about [YOUR TOPIC] from [CURRENT MONTH] [CURRENT YEAR] to [NEXT MONTH] [CURRENT YEAR]". 

BAM! You've just teleported your AI to the present (or even the near future).

Example: "Using Browse with Bing, tell me recent developments about large language models from August 2024 to September 2024 only."

Warning: SEO wizards love to rehash old content with new dates. Don't let ChatGPT fall for their tricks.

By specifying a tight date range, you're forcing it to dig for the freshest intel.

3 – Turn ChatGPT into a Search Engine 🧍

Forget standalone AI search tools. 

We're about to turn ChatGPT into a research beast that would make Google blush.

Here’s our secret sauce: It's all about targeted Browse with Bing calls.

We're talking precision strikes on the info you need.

Try this: 

Here’s the magic formula -

"Using Browse with Bing, search 8 or more different sources about [YOUR TOPIC], making sure those sources are from different domains. Please go step by step, researching deeply, taking your time, and report back only once you've researched the topic thoroughly."

Why it works: We've done the legwork and found that 8 is the Goldilocks number.

Not too few, not too many.

Just right for comprehensive, varied results. Plus, by specifying different domains, you're avoiding the echo chamber effect.

Pro tip: Add "Please take your time" to your prompts. Some studies have shown this can improve ChatGPT's performance by up to 40% on complex tasks like solving math problems. 

It's like giving your AI a deep breath before the deep dive.

Worst case, you’re nice to AI models before they take over? Hahaha. 

4 – Make ChatGPT Your Personal Ivy League Researcher 🧍

Not all sources are created equal. 

You wouldn't trust your health to a random blog, so why let ChatGPT serve you info from Questionable Quotes Quarterly?

Even with targeted Browse with Bing calls, you might end up with a bunch of listicles and fluff pieces. 

Not a fan? 


That's not gonna cut it for serious research or business decisions.

Try this:

Flex your authority muscle by adding this to your prompts: 

"Please only use authoritative sources for information such as [LIST SPECIFIC REPUTABLE SOURCES IN YOUR FIELD]."

Example: "Please only use authoritative sources such as arXiv, Microsoft, OpenAI, Google DeepMind, AI Kaggle, and other peer-reviewed or industry-leading publications."

Why it matters: This turns ChatGPT from a trivia night contestant to a panel of Nobel laureates.

You're getting the cream of the crop, not just whatever ranked highest in SEO. 

This trick works wonders when you need to impress the boss or shut down that know-it-all coworker. You're welcome.

Another great LLM for research? Perplexity.

We gave you the rundown on how to use it here.

5 – Become a URL Juggling Genius

Don’t wanna leave your starting point up to Bing? 

We get it.

Sometimes, a well-rounded Answers Engine-esque approach is exactly what you need. 

Sometimes, it’s the worst possible way to get started and you need precision control. 

(Pew pew laser been sounds pew pew) 

Sometimes, you need to dive deep into specific articles.

But who has time to read six different tabs? Not you.

The problem: Dropping URLs directly into ChatGPT doesn't work like you think it does. 

It doesn't actually visit the page; Browse with Bing just searches for keywords in the URL.

That's a recipe for hallucinations and misinterpretations.

The solution: Level up to an internet-connected GPT like WebPilot, VoxScript, or WebReader.

Try this:

  1. Install an internet-connected GPT from the GPT store (it's free, even with a basic account).

  2. Use an @mention to call the GPT (just hit @ and start typing its name).

  3. Feed it up to 6 URLs at once. (That’s kinda the Goldilocks number we’ve found) 

  4. Ask it to summarize or analyze the content.

Example prompt: "@WebPilot, please analyze and bullet point the main ideas from these articles: [URL1] [URL2] [URL3]"

 This method actually visits and reads the full content of each URL. 

You can analyze multiple in-depth articles or reports simultaneously, creating a solid foundation of knowledge before diving into your main task.

6 – Bonus: Take our PPP Course

For real, you haven’t taken our free and live Prompt Engineering course? 

Change that! 

Reply PPP to this email, and we’ll send you the hidden registration page. 

Numbers to watch

$50 Million

You.com is refocusing from AI search to productivity agents with a new $50M round.

(Or your fave LLM like Claude, Gemini, Copilot, etc)

Now This …

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