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How to use AI to launch a business 🚀 (Ep: 25)

How to use AI to launch a business 🚀

Friday, May 26, 2023

Welcome to the future, humans

Happy Memorial Day to those celebrating in the US, and thanks to all who served! 🇺🇸

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Our contest for a free year of ChatGPT plus is winding down. Make sure to sign up!

How to use AI to launch a business 🚀

Using AI as an employee to get your app idea off the ground

But that's just the tip of the AI iceberg - from Microsoft's push for faster regulation to Nvidia's new demo that allows users to chat with video game characters, we've got the latest and greatest in the AI world. So buckle up and let's dive in!

Also on the pod today:

🛫 Taking travel tips from pilots

🎮 Video games that talk back: the future of entertainment?

🧑‍💼🔬 How to use AI as virtual team members, but will ChatGPT ask for a paycheck?

It’ll be worth your 23 minutes:

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1. AI in Dentistry: The Crown Jewel 👑🦷

Researchers from the University of Hong Kong are making your dentist visits less dreadful. They've developed an AI algorithm that uses 3D machine learning to design personalized dental crowns. Find out how your next crown fitting might be a royal treatment! 👸

2.The AI Boom: A Chip Off the Old Block 💥💻

The AI boom is running on chips, and it can't get enough! Startups and investors are scrambling for computational firepower like it's toilet paper during a pandemic. Read more to see if you should jump on this bandwagon. 🚀

3. AI-Threatened Jobs: A Gender Issue? 🤖👩‍💼

A study shows that AI is threatening jobs, and most of them are held by women. From screenwriters to financial advisors, no one's safe. Learn more about this unsettling trend and how it might affect your career. 😟

4. Microsoft Executive: AI Regulation, ASAP! 🏛️🤖

A Microsoft executive is calling for faster AI regulation, stating that AI has more potential for the good of humanity than any other invention preceding it. Check out why we need to put the pedal to the metal on AI regulation. 🚗💨

5. ChatGPT: AI in the Courtroom ⚖️🤖

A US lawyer has admitted to using ChatGPT for case research, raising questions about the reliability of AI-generated content. Find out how AI might be influencing your legal battles. ⚔️

We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news…

We’re giving away TWO year-long subscriptions to premium ChatGPT. ($120 value each!)

How to Win

Just share the contest with your friends and get people to join! Each referral gets you higher on the leaderboard. Good Luck!

Now back to your regularly scheduled program.


How To Use AI as your coworker

🤷‍♂️ What’s Going On: 

Building a business or launching an app can be tough. In today’s episode, Emma and Jordan go over practical ways you can use AI to help.

If you want to hear more about it, check out today’s episode.

🫵 Why It Matters To You: 

Lez be real. There’s no better time to create a business or launch an app, just like Emma talked about.

The best part?

You have an army of AI ready to help you, if you take advantage.

Let’s break down the takeaways: 

1. 🤖 AI-powered tools like ChatGPT and MidJourney can act as "virtual teammates" for your business - no more lonely nights at the office!

2. 🚀 With AI-generated content and images, you can launch a business faster than a SpaceX rocket 🛸 just like Emma's FlytoPlaces platform.

3. 🧐 Asking Chat GPT for help isn't just for tech-savvy folks - anyone can do it! Emma emphasized the importance of giving specific prompts to get the best results.

4. 🌍 AI tools can help you build a better world, too. Emma designed her FlyToPlaces app to help connect pilots and promote mentorship within the aviation community.

5. 💡 Imagine the possibilities if more people used AI as a creative tool! Jordan predicts that more great apps will come out as people become more comfortable with partnering with AI.

Now that you know what’s going on, here’s how to leverage it

🦾 How You Can Leverage: 

🎙️ Today's podcast is all about using AI tools to launch a business and why it matters to the everyday person.

Buckle up, buttercup, 'cause here are three things you need to know:

1️⃣ Collaborating with AI can be a game-changer for your business. Remember how Emma and her team used MidJourney to create high-quality visuals for their platform? You can do the same for your business! Here’s a great tutorial from Zapier👩‍💻

2️⃣ Asking for help from AI is key, but it's important to give it the right prompts (otherwise, "garbage in, garbage out"). So don't hesitate to ask Chat GPT or Google Bard for assistance in coding and development! Here’s an overview of coding with ChatGPT 💻

3️⃣ Finally, don't shy away from using AI because of pride. By being open and vulnerable, you can unlock new possibilities for your business. The sky's the limit! 🚀

There you have it - three key takeaways on using AI to launch a business. 

Now go out there and crush it like a boss! 💪

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