Can we ACTUALLY govern AI? 🤔

...Or is it already too big to handle? Inside Everyday AI: How to govern AI, US Senators have first AI briefing, and Claude 2!

Outsmart The Future

Today in Everyday AI
6 minute read

🎙 Daily Podcast Episode: So how the heck do we even govern AI? Is it even possible? See what crucial steps are needed for it to be successful. Give it a listen.

🕵️‍♂️ Fresh Finds: Anthropic's Claude 2 enters the Chat, Mission Impossible is (kinda) all about AI, and what AI thinks all Americans look like. Read on for Fresh Finds.

🗞 Byte Sized Daily AI News: US Senate meets over AI, CEO replaces 90% of support staff with AI, Great Britain’s Writer’s Guild fears AI, and more! Read on for Byte Sized News.

🚀 AI In 5: The ultimate AI chatbot showdown! With Claude 2 being released, we’re having the biggest names in AI chatbots face off to determine a winner. See which was the best here!

🏆 Digital Drops Giveaway: Time is tickin ya’ll! Sign up for our ChatGPT giveaway here!

🧠 Leveraging AI 101: So now you know AI governance is kinda important. How do you get that ball rolling? We’ve got you. Keep reading for that!

↩️ Don’t miss out: Missed our last newsletter? We got you. We talked about student education and AI, the Pentagon using AI, ChatGPT’s new code interpreter tool, and more! Check it here!

How To Govern and Properly Use AI ⚖️

With all these new AI advancements, who (or what) is going to govern it all?

Are we witnessing the beginning of an AI apocalypse or can we ACTUALLY govern AI?

John Chiappetta, Principal and CEO of HG Technical Consulting and professor of AI at Harper College, joins us to discuss the importance of defining the audience and setting goals before introducing AI.

Have a question for John about governing AI? Join the discussion and ask him here!

Also on the pod today:

• How AI fits in classrooms 🧑‍🏫
• Cybersecurity is key to AI governance 🔓
• Define your audience and research in AI 🔍

It’ll be worth your 24 minutes:

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Thursday, July 13th at 7:30 am CST ⬇️

Here’s our favorite AI finds from across the web:

AI Tool Spotlight – Claude 2 is released, and our rundown of it, summarize and translate your docs with Afforai, and make Spoke your new Slack-AI sidekick.

Big Tech – Adobe just added more than 100 languages to its Firefly AI tools.

Fun and weird - Ever wonder what AI thought Americans looked like from every state according to Europeans? No? Here ya go anyways. 

Trending in AI – Are we all replaced yet? Lisa is the freshest face on the OTV news team in India. What’s the big deal? Oh, she’s an AI

AI in Entertainment – Tom Cruise was the subject of one of the first viral deepfakes. Now, check out how AI is depicted in his latest Mission Impossible flick.

Healthcare and AI – The next revolution in healthcare isn’t coming. It’s already here.

1. US Senators Have First AI Briefing 🇺🇸

US senators had their first ever classified senate briefing on AI yesterday. The director of National Intelligence, the secretary of defense, and others, came together with US senators to hold some first official discussion on the governance of AI. They hinted that there may be legislation in months. Find out more here.

2. CEO Replaces 90% of Support Staff with AI 🤯

The chief executive of an ecommerce startup laid off 90% of his support staff after the firm built a chatbot powered by AI. Summit Shah claims that he can now handle customer inquiries faster than his staff. See more.

3. Great Britain Writer’s Guild Starting to Fear AI 🇬🇧

A few months ago Hollywood felt the effects of AI as the Writer’s Guild of America went on strike, causing tons of productions to be put on hold. (They still are too). Now writers in Great Britain are starting to fear AI will take their jobs too. Learn why here.

4. Marc Andreessen thinks AI will eliminate all labor 😰

VC Billionaire, Marc Andreessen laid out 2 scenarios for AI. He believes AI will either eliminate the need for labor in the best-case scenario or lead to Chinese world domination. These are some pretty serious and scary ideas to think about. Learn more here.

5. Anthropic’s new AI chatbot is here 🤖

Anthropic, the $4.1 billion OpenAI rival, debuts its new AI chatbot and opens it to the public. The new bot and model is called Claude 2. How powerful is it? Well, it scored 76.5% on the Bar exam’s multiple choice section and, in a Python coding test, it scored 71%. Check it out here.

Ultimate Chatbot Showdown: Which AI is the best? 🥊

There’s a new kid on the block. Claude 2 is Anthropic’s new AI chatbot, which was just released.

We decided to do a showdown and see how all of the major players in AI chatbots stack up.

Claude 2 vs ChatGPT vs Bard vs Bing Chat!

Let’s get ready to ruummmbblee!

6 Free Months of ChatGPT Plus and 1-on-1 training.

What are you waiting for?! Time is almost up! Get in this thang before it’s too late! Sign up here.

🤷‍♂️ What’s Going On and Why It Matters:


That was a lot to take in, huh?

John didn’t hold back in his advice.

From risk mitigation and intellectual property to ethical frameworks and practical implementation, John perfectly dished out AI governance 101 like a fine Italian restaurant dishes out homemade rigatoni: deliciously spot on.

Here’s what we learned: there’s a lot of learning companies need to do. Without much regulation or legal guardrails, company executives and department leaders need to proactively set their own guidelines.

So, sometimes companies gotta saddle up and create their own governance.

🦾How You Can Leverage:

So there’s a lot to take on for any company looking to properly incorporate AI.

Laws, rules, regulations, best practices, yada yada yada.

Kinda like living in the Wild West, we’ve gotta make our own AI rules for now. But luckily, John laid out a roadmap for companies confused with how to get started.

1 – Define the audience 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Before we dig too deep in the trenches, we’ve gotta hit rewind. Should you even be using AI? You shouldn’t ride the wave just to say you’re a surfer.

Try this: 
Include employees and maybe even customers to see if AI has a place at your table. Could your marketing team benefit from ChatGPT? Will customers feel served if you’re using AI imagery? Ask them all.

2 – Create a roadmap 📍

John was big on creating an AI governance roadmap, and we’re all about that life. Like any good roadmap, an AI governance roadmap should have an end destination, where you currently are, and the plan on how you’ll travel.

Try this: 
Identify at least 3 specific outputs that you hope AI can augment. More leads for your company? Higher customer service scores? Increased online revenue? Start with the end goal, then build well-defined roads and guardrails that your team and customers are on board with.

3 – Stay up-to-date 📆

What’s the problem with creating governance in the Wild West of AI? Well…. It’s wild. AI is like a blockbuster movie franchise, always evolving and introducing new twists.

Try this: 
Any progress you take on Steps 1 and 2 above need to be continually readdressed. Legislation and regulation WILL come soon, whether that’s from Big Tech or from lawmakers. You need to build that into your roadmap so you can still thrive in the Wild West.

Now This …

We’re halfway through the week and cookin up something fun.

Wanna know what it is?

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