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  • The GPT store is live. Here's how to monetize 🤑

The GPT store is live. Here's how to monetize 🤑

🔐 The GPT store is live so we talk how to make money, ChatGPT for teams released, U.S. lawmakers agree AI regulation is needed


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Ready to build a GPT and start monetizing now that the GPT store is open?

Not so fast.

You know the #1 skill that separates terrible GPTs from the great ones? Proper prompting.

That’s why you should take our free Prime, Prompt, Polish prompt course.

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Today in Everyday AI
8 minute read

🎙 Daily Podcast Episode: Everyone wants to make money with AI. Now that OpenAI’s GPT Store is live, we dive in on how to monetize (and build!) a custom GPT. Give it a listen.

🕵️‍♂️ Fresh Finds: A tool that authenticates your GPTs, Mark Zuckerberg pivots from the Metaverse, Bing Copilot adds GPT4-Turbo special ends and more. Read on for Fresh Finds.

🗞 Byte Sized Daily AI News: U.S. Lawmakers call for regulation on AI companies, NVIDIA releases demo AI chat, OpenAI releases GPT store, and more! Read on for Byte Sized News.

🚀 AI In 5: The GPT store is out, but this other release from OpenAI could be bigger than their new GPT Store. See it here

🧠 Learn & Leveraging AI: The GPT store is here, so we talked with a GPT builder to bring you the inside scoop on how to build and monetize GPTs. Keep reading for that!

↩️ Don’t miss out: Did you miss our last newsletter? We talked how AI is impacting cybersecurity, the coolest AI tech from CES, and Amazon's Alexa finally getting smarter. Check it here!

GPT Goldmine: Clever Ways to Cash In 🤑

Talk about great timing, amiright?

Just hours after OpenAI released its (potentially) groundbreaking GPT Store, we’ve got a GPT building pro guest joining us live to talk us through it all.

Nancy Bain is the CEO & Founder of Supernova Media, and she joined the Everyday AI show to talk about not just how to build custom GPTs, but how you can actually monetize on them.

(Yes, even before OpenAI allows this, we give you the inside scoop how!)

Also on the pod today:

• Overview of the GPT Store 🛂
• Shortcuts on how to build GPTs 🚨
• The best way to monetize your GPTs

It’ll be worth your 31 minutes:

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Here’s our favorite AI finds from across the web:

New AI Tool Spotlight – Prompt Whisperer helps craft the perfect prompt, Olly social is your AI-powered second brain, and GPT Auth is an authenticator for your GPTs.

Trending in AI – Sooooo many robots and AI at the CES show. Check out the best.

New GPT Tech — Still not springing for GPT-4 but want access to the newest ‘Tubo’ model? You can get it in Bing Copilot.

ChatGPT News — ChatGPT may soon start to learn from its own chats and share knowledge across them.

AI and Comedy - Famed and late comedian George Carlin’s AI-generated comedy special has been dropped.

Social Media – Mark Zuckerberg is apparently backing off the Metaverse and going all-in on AI. 

Big Tech – Google laid off nearly a thousand employees, including many working on its voice-activated assistant.

1. OpenAI takes a page out of Apple’s book with GPT store release 🍎 

OpenAI has launched its highly anticipated GPT Store, a marketplace for AI apps built with its technology, which has drawn comparisons to Apple's App Store. The store is currently only accessible to premium users and teams, but OpenAI plans to launch a revenue program for developers in the near future.

The company's recent development and launch of the GPT Store, as well as its leader, Sam Altman, have drawn parallels to Apple and Steve Jobs.

2. Lawmakers Signal Change Is Ahead for AI and News orgs 💥

Lawmakers in the Senate Judiciary Committee are considering proposals that would require AI companies to strike licensing deals with news organizations, in response to concerns over the exploitation of content by Big Tech.

The debate centers around whether AI firms using copyrighted material to build their chatbots constitutes fair use or copyright infringement. The issue has sparked a legal battle, with media companies facing the choice of accepting lowball offers to license their content or pursuing costly lawsuits.

3. NVIDIA Unveils New Demo AI Chat with impressive features 🚀

Nvidia has introduced a demo application called "Chat with RTX" that empowers users to personalize their own AI chatbot experience. By leveraging Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and RTX acceleration, this local chatbot allows users to quickly and securely receive contextual responses.

The application supports various file formats, including text, PDF, and XML, and even allows YouTube playlist transcripts to be integrated.

4. Covert AI Diplomacy: US and China Discuss AI Safety ⛑️

According to the Financial Times, Artificial intelligence companies OpenAI, Anthropic, and Cohere have engaged in secret diplomacy with Chinese AI experts in an effort to address concerns about the potential spread of misinformation and threats to social cohesion posed by AI technology.

The meetings, held in Geneva, brought together scientists and policy experts from North American AI groups and representatives of Chinese state-backed institutions. The discussions aimed to explore the risks associated with emerging technologies and encourage investments in AI safety research. The talks signify a rare collaboration between the US and China in the race for supremacy in cutting-edge technologies like AI.

5. New AI hardware device Rabbits R1 Sells Out First Batch: 💥

In an unexpected turn of events, Rabbit's pocket-sized gadget, the R1, has already sold out its initial batch of 10,000 units within a single day. Originally aiming for 500 sales on launch day, Rabbit surpassed that goal by a whopping 20 times. The R1, showcased at CES, features a small 2.88-inch touchscreen and utilizes Rabbit OS with a "Large Action Model" that acts as a universal controller for various apps.

This OpenAI announcement could mean more than the GPT store 🤫

Yeah, the GPT Store is gonna really change how we do business.

But real talk, OpenAI snuck two other large announcements out at the same time.

Why is no one talking about these other two announcements?

We break it down in today’s AI in 5.

🦾How You Can Leverage:

One of the most common questions we get here at Everyday AI?

How can I make money using ChatGPT? 

Well, OpenAI just provided an answer. With an assist from today’s guest, Nancy Bain, that is. 

OpenAI released its GPT store yesterday, a public directory of custom-built and pre-trained GPTs that anyone can use for their own purposes. Even though the GPT Store is now live, OpenAI did not release the promised monetization features, saying those would be coming at some point in Q1. 

Bummer, right?

But if you’re ready to build bots and stack cash NOW, y’all shorties are in luck if you tuned in to today’s show. 

Nancy is the CEO of& Founder of Supernova Media, and she shared tips and insights on not just the best ways to build custom GPTs, but also how to monetize them. 

So what is a GPT, actually?

In short, you can take all the superpowers of ChatGPT, then add your own files and custom training to create your own custom GPT.

Here’s our 1-2-3 recap on how. to make it work for you.

Lez get it. 👇

1 – Know the basics first 🧑‍🏫

Like Nancy said, before you’re ready to monetize, you’ve gotta put the work in.

Nancy shared her story that to get to her current skill level, it took months of learning, courses and certifications. 

(Spoiler alert: not everyone is as skilled as Nancy and the current GPT store is full of a LOT of hot garbage GPTs.) 

Are GPTs easy to build?


Are useful and powerful GPTs easy to build?

Not so much.

Here’s the 101: Anyone with a ChatGPT Plus account ($20/mo) can build a custom GPT. Here’s a quick recap video we put together on what you need to know. 

Try this: Ready to try? 

It’s simple. Just login to your ChatGPT plus account and:

  • 1. Click Explore 

  • 2. Click Create

  • 3. Start building 

That’s it y’all. Got get your hands dirty. 

2 – Configuration is your friend 🤗

One hot tip from Nancy so helpful it’s worth repeating — pay attention to the ‘Configure’ tab.

The ‘Create’ tab and the GPT builder offer a familiar way to learn for beginners, but it’s only the information that the GPT Builder ultimately sends to the “Instructions” section inside of the Configure tab that matters. 

👆 The Create tab is great for beginners, allowing you to build a no-code GPT by chatting with the GPT builder. (Kinda meta, we know.)

👇 But it’s only what ends up in the instructions box in the Configure tab that matters.

Try this: If you’re a newbie, get used to chatting with the GPT builder, and then double-check what ends up in the configuration tab. However, we recommend you to write and edit the instructions manually in the Instructions section in the configure tab, and always live-test your results. 

3 – Keep your eyes on monetize 🤑

Is that proper English?

Nah. We just wanted to rhyme. 

Like we talked about on today’s show, OpenAI hasn’t technically laid out the details of monetization, only saying there will be a revenue share based on user engagement.

  • Will you be able to sell custom GPTs to users?

  • Will there be a subscription option?

  • Or will OpenAI keep all GPTs free for end users, and just share revenue with the most popular GPTs out of the millions that have been created?

We’re not sure. 

Don’t fret — Nancy shared some great tips on how you can monetize your GPTs, regardless of what OpenAI does. 

Try this: Here’s the skinny. When you publish a GPT, you have share options like below. 

If you want your GPT to appear on the GPT store, you’ll need to click ‘Everyone.’

But, you can instead check the ‘Anyone with a link’ button. 

That way, you have an unlisted URL that you can share with anyone (and sell it!), who can then use the GPT that you’ve built.

Here’s where Nancy’s advice came in. In short, you can put your GPT link behind a paywall. So if someone pays you, they then get access to your GPT.

Nancy recommended services like Buymeacoffee, Patreon and Calendly. (We’ll throw Gumroad into the mix as well!)

Another great route to monetize your GPTs? Nancy suggested including affiliate links pre-progammed at the end of your GPT’s responses.

Numbers to watch


The number of messages you can now send in a 3-hour span with the newly announced ChatGPT Teams. For standard ChatGPT Plus, the message cap is still 40 messages every 3 hours.

Now This …

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