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  • How to implement AI at your company today 💼

How to implement AI at your company today 💼

👇 Real business use cases for AI, Midjourney's new mobile app, creating presentations with ChatGPT, and more!

Outsmart The Future

Today in Everyday AI
7 minute read

🎙 Daily Podcast Episode: Question of our (current) time? AI sounds cool, but how can it actually work in my company? Especially in a big company? Well, we’ve got the answers on how to get GenAI going with some business use-cases that will put AI to work for you.  Give it a listen.

🕵️‍♂️ Fresh Finds: Designing dynamic conversation flows and chatbots for your customers, publishers’ worries with Google SGE, and YouTube. Read on for Fresh Finds.

🗞 Byte Sized Daily AI News: Midjourney is working on a mobile app, Big Tech accused of using pirated books, and Adobe adds AI features to Premiere and Photoshop. For that and more, read on for Byte Sized News.

🚀 AI In 5: Looking to speed up the time you spend on making presentations? Check out this ChatGPT hack that lets you create a presentation in seconds! See how here.

🧠 Learn & Leveraging AI: Finding the right business use case for GenAI can be hard. So we’re breaking down where to start. Keep reading for that!

↩️ Don’t miss out: Did you miss our last newsletter? We talked about the future of AI and creativity, Foxconn and Nvidia creating a new AI power duo, and a cheat sheet for ChatGPT modes. Check it here!

Real Business Use Cases for AI 💼

Ok so we know AI is great and all but how can you actually make it work for your business?

That’s one question we get the most often. So we decided to answer it by giving you real business use cases for AI.

Isar Meitis, CEO of Multiplai, joins us as we cover a variety of use cases from data analysis to marketing tasks.

Also on the pod today:

• Roadblocks for companies in AI 🚫
• Data security guidelines for AI 🔐
• Ideation with LLMs 💡

It’ll be worth your 37 minutes:

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Friday, October 20th at 7:30 am CST ⬇️

Here’s our favorite AI finds from across the web:

New AI Tool Spotlight – Tiledesk lets you design dynamic conversation flows and chatbots for your customers, Impaction.ai helps you discover insights for your AI products, and secureframe allows you to automate manual compliance tasks.

Future of Work – A new Gartner study talks about the rapid adoption of AI and how it’ll be everywhere. Here’s how to strategize to prepare.

Trending in AI - As Google’s SGE rolls out its new AI updates, publishers fear that the challenges they face will only get harder.

Pop Culture – YouTube is working on an AI tool that’ll let creators sound like famous musicians.

Big Tech – Anthropic is being sued by music publishers over the use of song lyrics.

1. Midjourney's Mobile App 📱

Midjourney's first mobile app is out... well, sort of. It's actually more of a teaser than a full-fledged app. They've got something big cooking, but they're keeping the details under wraps for now. What's clear is that they're dipping their toes into the mobile world, and it's got everyone's curiosity piqued. Stay tuned, because Midjourney might just be gearing up to surprise us all.

2. DeepMind's Climate Crusade: AI to the Rescue 🌍

DeepMind is on a mission to tackle climate change. They're not just talking about theoretical solutions; they're diving deep into understanding, optimizing, and accelerating real-world fixes. It's AI meets environmental science, and the goal is clear: harness advanced tech to make a tangible impact on our planet's future.

3. Stanford's AI Transparency Index for LLMs 🤖

Stanford has created a transparency index for foundation models. This index sheds light on how these complex AI systems work, from their training data to their decision-making processes. It's part deep-dive analysis, part accountability tool, and it's setting the stage for a new era of transparent, responsible AI.

4. Big Tech Accused of Training AI with Pirated Books 📚

A new lawsuit is shaking up the tech world, and it's targeting some big names: Bloomberg, Microsoft, and Meta. They're accused of training their AI systems with pirated books. Yes, you read that right. This isn't just a case of copyright infringement; it's a question of ethics and responsibility in the digital age. Read more here.

5. Adobe Ads New AI Features To Photoshop and Premiere 🎨

Adobe is sprinkling some serious AI magic into Photoshop and Premiere. We're talking next-level features powered by AI, making everything from photo editing to video production a breeze. Ready to unleash your inner artist with some AI wizardry? Adobe's got you covered.

AI presentations in seconds with ChatGPT 🤯

Looking to speed up the time you spend on making presentations?

Have ChatGPT do it for you and save tons of time!

We're showing you this ChatGPT hack that lets you create a presentation in seconds!

🤷‍♂️ What’s Going On and Why It Matters:

Oh shoot. How do we use AI tool #3,692?

Ever feel that way?

Like you’re seeing stories and examples and never-ending ‘use these 287 AI tools for growth’ posts from other people and companies skyrocketing their growth. And your company is still scratching its collective head?

Don’t sweat y’all. You’re not alone. Finding the right business use case for GenAI is actually sometimes more taxing than the actual implementation.

Luckily, we had some help from Isar Meitis, CEO of Multiplai.

We don’t wanna toot our own horn here, but (toooooooooot tooooooot) this episode was a banger.

Isar focuses on AI implementation, and has helped grow and scale multiple companies. And we dug in deep, answering questions from our live audience, and tapping into the secrets for AI success.

From low-hanging fruit to approaches that require company-wide buy-in, we dove into some of the most practical use-cases to implement GenAI into your business today.

If you didn’t catch the livestream, here’s a taste of what ya missed:

  • Challenge of keeping up with AI advancements and incorporating them into organizations

  • Ongoing development of new capabilities and tools in AI

  • Using content from books by influential individuals for AI-powered advice and insights

  • Creating a committee to define AI framework and boundaries within the company

  • Suggestion of using alternative solutions like Meta’s Llama 2 for data security

You should probably go catch the replay here.

We’ll wait here.



Now that we’ve learned a bunch, let’s break down how we can leverage it. 👇

🦾How You Can Leverage:

Oh you’re still here?


You’re probably hungry to get GenAI working in the day-to-day of your business. We gotchyu.

If you skipped to the end to see how to leverage, can’t blame ya.

But make sure to go give today’s show a watch, as Isar dropped some serious knowledge.

If you’re part of a small team, you’re probably off to the AI races by now. But if you’re part of a big company, getting GenAI approved can be a time-consuming challenge.

So, let’s get the AI train rolling into your company’s door.


1 – AI team, assemble 🦸‍♀️

If your AI efforts are still stalled, you gotta rethink the approach.

Isar had some straightforward strategy to jumpstart AI implementation in your company — get the key players together. (What’s that? Another meeting?! Nooooo!)

Before you can reap the benefits of GenAI, you’ve gotta get buy-in from major stakeholders. Create an AI committee within your organization, with members from different departments who enjoy tinkering with AI.

Let the geek squad define the boundaries and framework for AI integration and work together to get the stamp of approval.

Try this:
We get that this step ain’t easy. To get the GenAI greenlight, you’ve gotta have your processes, data, ethics and guidelines in place.

Don’t worry… we’ve already tapped into experts who laid out the path in those areas as well. Give these episodes a listen before assembling with the Dream AI Team.

2 – Save time and learn more

Take it from the team that’s used countless AI tools. (Prolly thousands, TBH).

If you’re too focused on the vehicle, you’ll miss out on the destination. In the end, a business has to focus on time and money. And a HUGE overlooked aspect of GenAI? Getting your time back shorties.

Isar mentioned two main areas for time-savings: data analysis and summarizing content. Whether you realize it or not, most of us probably spend dozens of hours a month either reading and learning or crunching numbers. Guess what? AI does it better. And it’s an easy win for any business use-case of GenAI.

Try this:
Ready to have your mind blown? Great.

Wanna talk about easy wins to get some of your time back? If you didn’t notice, we do this lil thing every day called ‘AI in 5’ where we show you practical use-cases of putting GenAI to work for you.

Based on Isar’s two recommended time-savers: learning/summarizing and crunching data, here’s some quick AI wins in those categories:

3 – Content creation for days 🖥️️

What are you gonna do with all the time you saved from following #2 above? Create more content to better resonate (and attract) new clients and customers? OK!

Isar shared a handful of his favorite tips and tactics for getting WAY more valuable content published in WAY less time.

Here's the real magic: Isar talked about using Gen AI tools to transcribe videos into dozens of pieces of content. With the transcriptions in hand, Isar suggested optimizing your content for SEO or easily turn them into engaging blog posts using tools like Jasper and Ryter.

Try this: 
Alright, we GOTTA share this resource from Isar. This AI tool list from Multiplai can serve as a roadmap for finding the right tool for the job.

Do us a favor, though, K? Make sure to follow #1 and #2 first before blindly diving face first into tools. If you follow these steps, AI tool #3,692 can actually grow your biz.

Now This …

Let’s go random… should Jordan get a haircut or go all Mike Forgie and grow out the locks? 🤣

Reply and let us know.


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