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  • Learn the winning recipe: Automation and AI ⚙️

Learn the winning recipe: Automation and AI ⚙️

Inside Everyday AI: Mixing AI and automation, Google's new medical chatbot, and how to win 6 months of ChatGPT Plus!

Outsmart The Future

Today in Everyday AI
6 minute read

🎙 Daily Podcast Episode: How can you make AI even MORE impactful? Sprinkle in some automation. It’s not as tricky as it sounds, but it IS as amazing as it sounds. Give it a listen.

🕵️‍♂️ Fresh Finds: AI as your new research, Gizmodo's AI misstep with Star Wars, and AI is coming to ... The Bible? Read on for Fresh Finds.

🗞 Byte Sized Daily AI News: A new Netflix Doc looks at how AI is used in global wars, Google working with Mayo on a medical chatbot and are we breaking up with ChatGPT? For that and more, read on for Byte Sized News.

🚀 AI In 5: Can you use ChatGPT to read and respond to thousands of reviews in seconds? Yes, and we show you how.

🏆 Digital Drops Giveaway: What’s better than FREE ChatGPT for 6 months? 1-on-1 training for free, as well. More below

🧠 Leveraging AI 101: Now that you know how AI and automation can be a killer tag team, let’s show you how to actually make the duo work for you. Keep reading for that!

↩️ Don’t miss out: Missed out Friday? We got you. We talked about how AI can train your employees, using AI to handle your voicemails and how AI could be involved in the future of real estate! Check it here!

What’s better than AI? Automation + AI 📈

Are you tired of spending hours analyzing your competitors' every move?

Well, buckle up, because in today's episode of Everyday AI, we have a chat with the master of automation himself, Patrick Mvaa!

From scraping web data to generating epic responses with ChatGPT, Patrick has the tricks and tools to help you level up your business game.

Get ready to discover how automation and AI can put you on the fast-track to success, leaving your competitors in the dust.

Even if you’re not a techno-geek, we keep the takeaways simple and actionable.

You won’t want to miss today’s episode.

Also on the pod today:

• S️imple tools that work with ChatGPT 🤖
• Creating content at scale ⌨️
• Google Sheets, Bardeen, Hexomatic and more 🏭

It’ll be worth your 22 minutes:

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Tuesday, July 11th at 7:30 am CST ⬇️

Thursday, July 13th – LinkedIn + AI: How to make it work to build authority with Joshua B. Lee. Join Us!

Here’s our favorite AI finds from across the web:

New AI Tool Spotlight – The Blaze platform unlocks social growth with AI, Stellar uses AI to turn business priorities into trackable goals and Aginsi is your AI-powered research co-pilot.

Pop Culture – Apparently, Gizmodo’s AI writers aren’t doing the best job, as they published a Star Wars article filled with errors.

The Money in AI - AI is completely reshaping lending. Will things get better or worse? What do you think?

The business of AI – AI is reshaping how businesses are run, rewriting the rule book. You should know the new rules.

Read This – Even though The Bible is the most translated book in the world, there’s some rare languages that don’t have translations yet. AI is working on that.

1. AI Arms Race: The New Cold War? 🥶 

World powers are in a rush to get killer robots on the battlefield, sparking an AI arms race. But are we considering the dangers? Could this be the new Cold War, but with AI instead of nukes? A new Netflix doc released tonight explores that. Find out more here.

2. Google's Medical AI: The New House M.D.? 🏥 

Google is testing its medical AI chatbot at the Mayo Clinic. Real talk: this is no small feat. Could this be the future of healthcare, with AI replacing doctors? Or is it just another tech fad? See how Google is breaking into the medical space

3. Sarah Silverman says Meta and OpenAI stealing content 📚

Meta and OpenAI are in hot water, sued for copyright infringement and data theft. Apparently, they've been training their language models on copyrighted books without permission, as reported here by The Verge. Check out the full story for all the juicy details! 🕵️‍♂️

4. AI and You: A Love Story or a Breakup? 💔 

CNET discusses how ChatGPT's 'novelty' may be wearing off. Is this the end of the honeymoon phase for AI and us? Read about it here. Our take? Probably more users are using the native apps, and students out of school for the summer. We’ll find out in the coming months if usage is truly down!

5. Shark Tank Guest: AI will be the biggest money-maker ever 🤑

You think AI and ChatGPT are just bar tricks? Not so fast. Matt Higgins, a self-made millionaire and regular guest on ABC’s ‘Shark Tank’ show, said that AI is going to be the biggest wealth creator in history. Wanna get in? Read more about his advice.

Simple ChatGPT Automation for faster and better customer service ⚡️

Ever wished you could have ChatGPT respond to your customers so you don't have to? ✍️

Your wish is about to come true!

ChatGPT's code interpreter function is a game-changer. It's like having a digital assistant that understands code and can interact with your customers. It's time to take your customer interactions to the next level!

Give us 5 minutes, and we’ll show you a simple use of AI + Automation that just about any one can use.

It’s here: 6 Free Months of ChatGPT Plus and 1-on-1 training.

Win 6 months of free ChatGPT Plus ($120 value) and 6 personal training sessions to go from beginner to advanced ($,$$$ value)

Giveaway ends this month, so sign up now!

🤷‍♂️ What’s Going On and Why It Matters:

Real talk: Automation aint as tricky as it sounds.

Even when you layer it on top of ChatGPT. In today’s Everyday AI episode with Patrick Mvaa, we spilled some secrets.

Promise we didn’t pay Patrick to spill ALL the beans, but he did.

He not only showed some simple ways that he’s using AI to help run his 8 locations of a cleaning business he owns, but also gave some great advice for everyday people to get started following in his footsteps.

Hint: automation is simple, effective, and a must.

Let’s get automatin 👇

🦾How You Can Leverage:

AI is already confusing enough, right?

Not really.

If you’ve used ChatGPT, then you can use ChatGPT and automation.

Think of it this way: in ChatGPT (or Bing Chat or Google Bard), you’re having a one-to-one conversation. You’re asking ChatGPT to do one thing at a time.

Now, what if you could take that one input-output, and apply it to an entire spreadsheet. Instead of one input and one output, you can have dozens of outputs. Or thousands.

1 – Start small 🤏

As with learning anything in life, start small. Patrick legit mentioned SO many ways you can use automation and AI, but the best way for you to start is to pick one thing.

As an example, what’s some manual work you do every week in spreadsheets?

Try this: Patrick mentioned No Data, No Business, a simple way to scrape any information from the web. Then, you can follow Jordan’s AI in 5 tutorial today to finish the job.

2 – Stay one step ahead 👟

How is Patrick dominating his space?

Well, he’s using some basic web scraping and AI automation to become a content machine. He’s using some AI and scraping tools to see the content his competition is putting out, then he’s putting out more and better content at scale.

Try this: Use a tool like Hexomatic to schedule a simple scrape of your competitors. You can even integrate with ChatGPT right inside of Hexomatic to create better versions of your competitor’s content on autopilot.

3 – Get better customer intel 📊

One of Patrick’s favorite ways to use ChatGPT and AI in tandem?

Better insights on customer's.

By collecting and scraping your reviews (or your competitors!) you can then run a simple sentiment analysis with ChatGPT.

Try this: Use a tool like NoData, NoBusiness or TexAu to scrape and save customer reviews from any public review site. Then, you can talk with your Google sheets and ask it to run a sentiment analysis to get some super valuable insights!

Now This …

Mondays don’t have to be mundane with Everyday AI.

I mean, we’re breaking down all things AI for you and sharing time-saving tips.

Oh, and do you like free stuff?

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