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  • LLM Showdown: Does ChatGPT take the crown? 🤔

LLM Showdown: Does ChatGPT take the crown? 🤔

🥊 Comparing the top 5 AI Chats, Pika Labs’ new AI video generator, advanced decision making with ChatGPT, and more!

Outsmart The Future

Today in Everyday AI
6 minute read

🎙 Daily Podcast Episode: What is the best Large Language Model (LLM)? Is Perplexity a dark-horse? Will Bard take over eventually? And will any LLM be able to compete with ChatGPT’s plugin mode? Today we’re answering the toughest questions and throwing down with the top 5 LLMs to find out! Give it a listen.

🕵️‍♂️ Fresh Finds: A personal AI financial advisor, the top US cities for AI jobs, and movie recommendations from AI. Read on for Fresh Finds.

🗞 Byte Sized Daily AI News: Pika Labs’ new AI video generator, Mattel's AI Pictionary, and Oklahoma’s AI task force. For that and more, read on for Byte Sized News.

🚀 AI In 5: Looking to have ChatGPT help you make decisions? Use the Decision Matrix plugin! See how here

🧠 Learn & Leveraging AI: Wondering which LLM is best for you and how to leverage them? Keep reading for that!

↩️ Don’t miss out: Did you miss our last newsletter? We talked about Microsoft Copilot's impact on biz ops, Amazon spending $4 billion on Anthropic, and giving ChatGPT's Advanced Data Analysis internet access. Check it here!

LLM Showdown - ChatGPT, Bing Chat, Google Bard, Claude 2 and Perplexity 💁

It’s time once again for the ultimate LLM showdown!

What is the best Large Language Model (LLM)?

Well, we're tackling that question today and taking a look at the five best LLMs: ChatGPT, Bing Chat, Google Bard, Claude 2, and Perplexity

We’ll break down the pros and cons for each and determine when is the best time to use each LLM.

Join the conversation and ask Jordan any questions about LLMs.

Also on the pod today:

• What are large language models? 🤷
• Pros and cons of top 5 LLMs 🤔
• How to use LLMs 🤖

It’ll be worth your 44 minutes:

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Here’s our favorite AI finds from across the web:

New AI Tool Spotlight – Digma lets you see what your code is doing wrong as you code, Artiscribe AI is an AI art marketing assistant, and Aime is your personal AI financial advisor.

Big Tech – Could big tech be shaping the future of UX design with AI? A former Google Chief Decision Scientist thinks so.

Future of Work - VentureBeat lists the top U.S. cities for AI-driven job hunters. Some of the top cities include San Francisco and Seattle.

Pop Culture – Look for some good movie recommendations? Just ask Tubi’s new Rabbit AI!

Money in AI – The AI chip competition is heating up! AI Chip company Kneron, raises $49M to scale up its commercial efforts.

1. Pika Labs Breaks Ground with AI Video Generator 🎥

Pika Labs is revolutionizing video content with its AI Video Generator. Now, embedding words and images into videos is a breeze, offering seamless integration and enhancing visual communication. This innovation promises to make video presentations more dynamic and interactive.

2. GPT-4 Boosts Enterprise Worker Performance by 40% 🚀

A Harvard study reveals a whopping 40% performance boost in enterprise workers using GPT-4. This significant leap showcased the workers completing a range of tasks more often, more quickly, and at a higher quality than those who did not use AI. Check out the full details here.

3. Mattel's Pictionary Takes on AI in a Drawing Duel 🎨

Mattel's Pictionary is now pitted against AI in a thrilling drawing challenge. Partnering with Google's Quick Draw, this classic game gets a modern twist, offering endless fun and a test of your drawing skills against AI. Are you up for the artistic showdown? Check it out!

4. Oklahoma's AI Task Force 🤖 

Governor Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma has signed an executive order to establish a new AI task force. This team is set to explore the potential uses, benefits, and security vulnerabilities of artificial intelligence, aiming to enhance the efficiency of government, schools, and businesses. The task force will report its findings by December 31, offering insights and recommendations for AI and GenAI deployment. Read on here

5. Google Launches Free & Paid Generative AI Training Courses 🎓

Google steps up the AI game by launching free and paid Generative AI training courses. These comprehensive courses promise to equip learners with cutting-edge AI knowledge and skills. Keen to master Generative AI? Find out more.

Advanced Decision-making in ChatGPT 🤔

With the right tools, you can transform decision-making from a daunting task to a streamlined and efficient process.

We're reviewing the Decision Matrix Plugin within ChatGPT, and showcasing how it can revolutionize your approach to making choices.

🤷‍♂️ What’s Going On and Why It Matters:

Large Language whuuuuuuuut?

If you’re a newbie to Large Language Models, or just need a refresher on what AI chats are out there, today’s episode is like the milk to your cereal.

The chatty peanut butter to your AI jelly.

Yeah, we did a quick 101 on what LLMs and how they work. Buuuuut, the real value in today’s episode is when we give the top 5 LLMs a spin, and answer some of your questions.

Is Google Bard the real deal?

Is Perplexity better than ChatGPT?

When should you use Anthropic’s Claude?

How can you even access Microsoft’s Bing Chat?

We knocked out these questions and more. Oh, If you’ve still got questions, go ask them here.

🦾How You Can Leverage:

Not gonna lie, this was an essential breakdown if you’re trying to learn Large Language Models.

So. Much. Good. Info.

Don’t take the shortcut shorties — go watch the full episode.

But if you’re in a time crunch, or you just want the high level recap, we got you. 👇

1 – Google Bard for beginners

To be honest, we’re not super impressed with Google Bard right now.

Even with the new Google app extensions, we’re left looking for a bit more outta Bard. We’re not about to write Bard off anytime soon, especially when the engine running Bard is rumored to be updated from PaLM-2 to Gemini sometime this fall.

Use Bard when:
Here’s the best use-case for Bard — beginners. If you’re completely new to LLMs, Bard is going to feel the most familiar to traditional search. The user interface and experience is the best, in our opinion.

2 – Claude for its memory

We (kinda) understand the Claude hype.

And like we covered yesterday, Anthropic’s Claude 2 is likely to vault itself into the upper echelon with its recent $4 billion investment from Amazon.

While we’re not crazy about Claude for its power or depth, its 100K token memory makes it stand out from the rest. More memory = fewer hallucinations. Although, Claude hasn’t historically been great in that department.

Use Claude for:
There’s two biggies here.

Number one, the 100K token/75K word memory limit for Claude makes it the leader in that category. Having a longer memory before an AI chat starts to forget is a huge advantage.

Also, Claude is the only free tool that allows you to upload and interact with PDFs as a default feature, which is also a big W.

3 – Perplexity for spitting facts

Hallucinations are a doozy. No matter the AI chat you’re using, these models have a bad tendency of making things up or realllllly stretching the truth.

Enter, Perplexity. This under-the-radar model positions itself as less LLM and more research assistant. And for good reason. Perplexity differs with its facts-first approach and always gives in-depth and numerically cited info.

Use Perplexity for:
Perplexity is an underrated tool to either start or end with. It combines the fact-first benefit of a research assistant and the paid version allows you to toggle between GPT4 and Claude2 as the source model. If you’re getting too many hallucinations, give Perplexity a spin.

4 – Bing AI Chat for power Windows users

Hot take alert — we think Microsoft 365 Copilot is gonna take over. Like, rattling the economy kinda takeover. To be honest, though, Bing Chat has gotten a bit harder to access.

After officially opening its Bing Chat up to most browsers about a month ago, it seems like Microsoft is again requiring Edge to use its AI chat. Its impact can’t be understated, but you’ll have to use the Edge browser to take advantage.

Use Bing AI for:
If your company is a Microsoft top-to-bottom organization, you should be using Bing Chat. Why? With Copilot also comes the enterprise version of Bing Chat. For many employees of bigger companies, Bing Chat Enterprise will likely become the first approved (and encouraged!) LLM to use at scale.

5 – ChatGPT for business growth

Sorry not sorry.

 ChatGPT is still in a league of its own, mainly due to its growing catalog of more than 1,000 plugins. If you know how to properly use ChatGPT with plugins, your business has an unfair competitive edge.

Use ChatGPT for: 
We say use ChatGPT for everything. As long as you’re using the $20/month Plus version, you have access to the most underrated tool in business today with plugin mode.

Plugins will change your business, and you should be investing in yourself and your team to use them to your advantage. (Especially if Copilot isn’t in your future)

Now This …

Which LLM is your favorite? Is there one we missed that you think we should be talking about? Should we of given Llama 2 some love? did Poe and Pi get shafted?

Reply to this email and let us know!


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