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NVIDIA tell us the key ingredient to autonomous vehicles 🤔

🚗 AI and automotive, Microsoft releases AI-powered Deep Search, UN adapts global AI resolution, and more!

In partnership with NVIDIA

Sup y’all! 👋

A. Welp, that’s a wrap from the NVIDIA GTC conference. (Finally back in sweet home Chicago.)

Even though it’s officially wrapped up, you can still register for free the NVIDIA GTC virtual conference. You can watch all the previous workshops and enter to win an NVIDIA GPU and DLI credits. And you can watch NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang's keynote address.

The future of AI just played out in front of our eyes. And you can watch it all for free.

B. Wanna know Here’s the entire NVIDIA GTC showroom experience in 24 seconds.

C. There was WAY too much AI news and developments from this conference. Should we do a recap podcast episode next of GTC?

Should we do a recap podcast episode of everything that happened at NVIDIA's GTC conference?

The future of AI was just delivered to us on a silver platter at NVIDIA's GTC conference. We got behind the scenes access. Should we do 1 recap episode?

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Outsmart The Future

Today in Everyday AI
8 minute read

🎙 Daily Podcast Episode: What happens when we bring HUGE AI improvements to the automotive space? We asked NVIDIA’s Vice President of Automotive, and he told us what all of the breaking AI news means for our roads. Give it a listen.

🕵️‍♂️ Fresh Finds: An AI shopping assistant, improving eye exams with AI, and AI influencers taking over social media. Read on for Fresh Finds.

🗞 Byte Sized Daily AI News: UN adopts global AI resolution, NVIDIA announces AI nurses, and Apple and Baidu in AI talks. For that and more, read on for Byte Sized News.

🚀 AI In 5: Wondering what the future of AI looks like? We’re bringing you our biggest takeaways of NVIDIA GTC. See it here

🧠 Learn & Leveraging AI: Should we expect AI self-driving cars? NVIDIA’s Director of Automotive tells all. Keep reading for that!

↩️ Don’t miss out: Did you miss our last newsletter? We talked about AI and robotics, the US and China's AI resolution, and becoming Iron Man with NVIDIA AI. Check it here!

Driving the Future - NVIDIA's Vision for AI-powered Transportation 🚙

You might think the auto industry hasn’t changed since the Model T.

There’s a lot going on under the hood, though. Especially with AI revving its engine now louder than ever.

So what’s next in the auto industry with so much new AI tech behind the wheel?

That’s exactly what we’ll be discussing with Danny Shapiro, NVIDIA’s Vice President of Automotive.

Join the conversation and ask Jordan and Danny questions on AI and automotive here.

Also on the pod today:

• NVIDIA's Role in the Automotive Space 🚗
• Impact of Generative AI in Vehicles 🤖
• Future of Transportation 🚆

It’ll be worth your 29 minutes:

Listen on our site:

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Here’s our favorite AI finds from across the web:

New AI Tool Spotlight – Butternut AI helps build a multi-page website in seconds, SEO AI Writer is a one-click SEO content creator, and Claros is an AI shopping assistant.

AI in Medical – AI is helping to improve eye exams and assist providers.

Big Tech — Microsoft has just publicly released Deep Search, which we previously covered its Beta. Here’s how it works:

Social Media - AI influencers are taking over social media. Some of them are just teens.

AI Startups – AI startup Cohere, is looking for a $5 billion valuation in its funding.

Read This – AI can be a great resource to farmers. But there’s also some dangers associated with AI farming.

1. UN Adopts Global Resolution on Artificial Intelligence 🇺🇳

In a landmark move, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously passed the first global resolution on artificial intelligence. The resolution, supported by 193 nations, emphasizes the importance of safeguarding human rights, protecting personal data, and monitoring AI risks.

2. Nvidia & Hippocratic Introduce AI Super Nurses 🧑‍⚕️

In a groundbreaking collaboration, Nvidia and Hippocratic AI are joining forces to create AI-powered health care "agents" that outperform human nurses in critical medical tasks. These cutting-edge digital assistants, trained on Hippocratic's large language model, boast remarkable accuracy in medication impact identification, condition-specific medication detection, lab value comparison, and toxic dosage recognition.

3. Apple and Baidu in Talks for AI Integration in China 🇨🇳

Apple and Baidu are reportedly flirting with the idea of integrating Baidu's AI tech into Apple devices in China, as revealed by the Wall Street Journal. The mere mention of this potential partnership caused Baidu's U.S.-listed shares to spike by a solid 5% during premarket trading.

4. Tennessee Signs Act to Protect Artists from AI Impersonation 🎵

Tennessee Governor Bill Lee just signed the ELVIS Act, protecting artists from unauthorized AI use in music. This groundbreaking move aims to safeguard musicians' voices and images from being misused by artificial intelligence. With generative AI taking the music industry by storm, this law is a rock-solid step towards ensuring artists' rights are well-guarded in the digital age.

5. Italian Watchdog Struggles to Recruit AI Talent 😬

Italian watchdog Garante faced a tough time hiring AI experts due to low pay and fierce competition, highlighting a global challenge for regulators. The EU and UK are also grappling with recruitment issues in the AI sector, with salary gaps compared to the private industry.

NVIDIA GTC 2024 Biggest Takeaways

As NVIDIA GTC comes to a close today, we got a chance to go behind the scenes to bring you the latest AI innovations.

Here’s our biggest takeaways from NVIDIA GTC 2024!

🦾How You Can Leverage:

Why aren’t all cars self-driving yet? 

Danny Shapiro actually says it’s one of the most complex AI challenges in the world with so many lives at stake. 

With recent announcements at the NVIDIA GTC conference through, that goal may now be closer than ever. 

Danny is the Vice President of Automotive at NVIDIA, and he sat down with Everyday AI for exclusive insights and to take our live audience’s questions. 

We talked about more than self-driving cars, though. 

The announcement of NVIDIA DRIVE Thor and the Blackwell GPU chip system is going to change the transportation world. 

If you don’t know NVIDIA’s impact on the auto world, here’s a short precursor: 

  • From Mercedes Benz and Volvo to the globe’s leading  Electric Vehicle in China’s BYD, NVIDIA has an enormous footprint on the world’s highways. 

  • NVIDIA may not make cars, but the AI-powered car tech they make is everywhere.

  • The company's Drive platform is designed to enable autonomous vehicles and offers a range of hardware and software solutions for different levels of autonomy and in-car information. 

And, it’s all changing with recent announcements at NVIDAI’s GTC. 

Here’s what you need to know, and how it impacts us all. 👇

1 – DRIVE Thor = 4X Boost 🚀

DRIVE Thor is NVIDIA’s next-gen computing platform for vehicles, and it got some powerful new features at NVIDIA’s GTC. 

Mainly: integration with the company’s world-shaking new Blackwell GPU architecture. 

A lotta buzzwords if you don’t follow the industry, we know. 

In short, Danny said that now that NVIDIA’s DRIVE vehicle platform has access to the just announced Blackwell chips, it changes what’s possible. 

The DRIVE X Blackwell combo brings 4 times more compute power, which means 4 times more capabilities for the future of smart cars on the road. 

Try this: Go read NVIDIA’s announcement for all the juicy details, including how this improved 1-2 punch may impact the future of robotaxis, delivery services and more. 

2 – More AI = More safety 🛂

4X more compute. 


But what’s that actually mean? More safety and faster AI development for our roads, Danny said. 

And let’s cut it straight shorties — that 4X jump is in compute ain’t normal. The NVIDIA Blackwell announcement has garnered headlines saying it could “change the world’ , so it’s no wonder that Danny’s main message was centered around safety. 

Ultimately, Danny said these new advancements in compute power will lead to vehicles becoming smarter and safer through continuous software updates, making cars more aware of what’s inside the car, on the outside roads via cameras, and more capable to improve the overall driving experience for consumers.

Try this: Big into car tech and wanna know what the Blackwell X DRIVE Thor connection means? Hardware Zone has a deep dive into how all of this new compute will change the driving experience. 

3 – The future of our roads 🛣

What’s the future of transportation look like now with these recent announcements? 

Well, self-driving and autonomous cars may actually be a reality. 

Danny didn’t hesitate to call out early predictions from 10 years ago. 

In 2014 and 2015 when the auto and tech industries widely thought we’d have fully autonomous vehicles by 2020, there was a problem — the tech just wasn’t there. 

Fast forward 10 years, and Danny sees a very different story. 

Now — especially with the Thor updates with Blackwell — the tech is there. 

Danny talked about for maybe the first time ever, we have the AI and tech that can deliver fully autonomous vehicles for all without sacrificing safety of others on the road. 

A big key to that, Danny said, is NVIDIA’s omniverse and the ability to run more ‘digital twin’ simulations in the transportation industry than ever before. 

Try this: In his keynote, NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang went into great depth about how NVIDIA’s new Blackwell chip opens up a world of possibilities for digital simulations in NVIDIA’s omniverse. If you haven’t seen it yet, make sure to check it out. 

Numbers to watch

$32 Million

Anguilla, a tiny Caribbean island, made $32 million last year off of “.ai” registrations, its default country code top-level domain.

Now This …

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