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  • Secrets for better content at scale with AI 📝

Secrets for better content at scale with AI 📝

💡 Insider tips for AI-powered content strategy, EU Names 6 Big Tech companies for its Digital Markets Act, creating visuals for your videos, and more!

Outsmart The Future

Today in Everyday AI
7 minute read

🎙 Daily Podcast Episode: Just about everyone can benefit from a good content strategy. Today we show you how to infuse AI to create better and faster content from an industry leader. Give it a listen.

🕵️‍♂️ Fresh Finds: AI-generated b-roll for your videos, Meta’s internal AI drama, and Dictonary.com adds AI words. Read on for Fresh Finds.

🗞 Byte Sized Daily AI News: EU Names 6 Big Tech Companies for its Digital Markets Act, the Pentagon's AI Strategy to Counter China, and Zoom’s new AI companion. For that and more, read on for Byte Sized News.

🚀 AI In 5: Looking for that secret sauce to spice up your videos? We put a brand new, AI-powered video generator called Jupitrr to the test. See how here

🧠 Learn & Leveraging AI: ChatGPT and other AI tools can be a great resource for impactful content creation. Let’s break down how you can put it to work for you and win back hours in your day. Keep reading for that!

↩️ Don’t miss out: Did you miss our last newsletter? We talked about faster and more personalized sales with AI, Goldman Sachs’ prediction on the AI boom, and Canva's (meh) ChatGPT plugin. 
Check it here!

Creating an AI Content Strategy to Scale 📈

We’re gonna cut to the chase. Today’s episode is a no-brainer to watch.

Whether you're a marketer, a small business owner, or a professional looking to grow, we're all looking to create content.

But how can we leverage AI to create better and faster content at scale?

Today Luke Kostka, Founder of New Norml. Media, joins us to discuss how AI can revolutionize content creation.

Join the conversation and ask Luke and Jordan any questions about AI and content here.

Also on the pod today:

• AI tools and ChatGPT plugins for content creation 🛠️
• Biggest mistake people make with AI content 🤦
• How to create successful AI content

It’ll be worth your 28 minutes:

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Thursday, September 7th at 7:30 am CST ⬇️

Here’s our favorite AI finds from across the web:

New AI Tool Spotlight – Jupitrr generates stock B-roll for your videos, Loom AI helps you record better and faster videos, and Latent Space is your personal AI data assistant.

Big Tech – Uh oh. Looks like Meta may be having some internal AI drama going on.

Trending in AI – Intuit has just launched an AI-powered assistant for small businesses and general consumers.

Future of Work - Former Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, not only thinks that middle-class workers will lose their jobs to AI but he also said that AI may become our employer.

AI in Society – You know this whole AI wave is legit when Dictonary.com adds a bunch of new AI-related words. 

1. EU Names 6 Big Tech Companies for its Digital Markets Act

The European Union is naming six tech giants they're aiming to regulate more tightly. Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, ByteDance, Meta, and Microsoft have been labeled as "gatekeepers" for their dominant "core platform services". The EU's Digital Markets Act (DMA) targets 22 specific services from these giants, including popular platforms like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

2. New AI Chip Maker D-Matrix Gets a Microsoft's Investment 💸

Emerging AI chip startup, D-Matrix, has secured a whopping $110 million in funding, and the major player backing them is Microsoft. This investment signifies Microsoft's belief in D-Matrix's vision to innovate the AI chip industry. With such substantial financial backing, D-Matrix is poised to make significant advancements in AI hardware.

3. Pentagon's AI Strategy to Counter China's Tech Dominance 🇺🇸

The Pentagon is revealing an ambitious plan to deploy a vast AI fleet as a countermeasure to China's growing technological influence. This move hopes to bolster national security and ensure the US remains at the forefront of AI defense capabilities.

4. DeepMind's Future Forecast: Personal AI Assistants for All 🤖

Mustafa Suleyman, co-founder of Google's DeepMind, envisions a future where every individual will have a personalized AI assistant in the next 5 years. This isn't just about setting reminders or playing music; it's about AI understanding individual needs, preferences, and routines to offer tailored assistance.

5. Zoom's New AI Companion 🖥️

Zoom is evolving, announcing a suite of AI-driven companion features designed to enhance the user experience. These features aim to make virtual meetings more interactive, intuitive, and efficient, catering to the growing demand for improved remote communication tools.

Creating Visuals for Your Videos! 🎥

Could AI be the secret ingredient to leveling up your video visuals?

Dive into our Jupitrr review and see how you can create b-roll for your videos. So instead of just a talking head, you can add in some relevant visuals.

Is it any good? We had mixed results. See why and check out today's AI in 5.

🤷‍♂️ What’s Going On and Why It Matters:

What did we learn about AI today chatting with Luke Kostka, the Founder at New Norml. Media?

Maybe the question is, what didn’t we learn about AI?

If you missed out, go join the discussion as Luke is answering all your burning questions regarding automating content creation with AI.

If you’re looking for the tl;dr version, here it is: if you know the right tools and techniques, GenAI can be a real game changer in your content creation efforts.

Luke walked us through most of his content creation process: from using ChatGPT to brainstorm ideas to using tools like Descript for transcription or the ChatGPT plugin Visla to create full videos inside ChatGPT.

The result?

Luke’s created compelling content for some of the biggest brands out there. (Maybe you know Luke from Adworld, like us).

Let’s dive in and find out how to make AI work for your content creation process. 👇

🦾How You Can Leverage:

We’ve got your attention now?


That’s what content creation is all about — grabbing and keeping the viewer’s attention. And Luke Kostka is a pro at it.

You’re probably gonna wanna dive into our whole conversation, but here’s the 1-2-3 highlight of what Luke dished:

1 – Make ChatGPT an idea factory 🧠

Luke dropped a subtle value bomb here — ChatGPT is an absolute goldmine for ideation. If you’re not using it to strategize and brainstorm, you’re missing out on one of the biggest values of our favorite AI tool.

Try this:
Try a prompt like this in ChatGPT Plus, and make sure you give ChatGPT the info and resources it needs as we outlined here.

(Super side note, we’re really not a fan of copy-and-paste prompting, which is why we run our free Prime, Prompt, Polish course. So this is for illustrative purposes!)

Please act as an expert creative strategist, with extensive experience in (your field). Please visit and find more information on (your company name and company website). Then, please run due diligence on our competitors (list competitor names and competitor URLs) Please list out a comparative SWOT report for my company and my competitors. With that in mind, then please help me create at least 20 ideas for (your project/campaign/problem), keeping in mind my company’s positioning amongst competitors. Please keep our ideal customer profile in mind, which is (describe your ICP). Also, when coming up with the 20 ideas, please make sure the end results address the ICP’s pain points, which are (list pain points). For each of the 20 ideas, please go into extreme detail, and list out, step-by-step, the thought process behind the idea, how it could be implemented by my company, and the intended results that the idea would provide for my ICP.

2 – Create SOP prompts for your company 📃

Another doozy from Luke — make ChatGPT work for you or your company, not the other way around. Instead of trying to fit a square peg into a round ChatGPT hole, instead, figure out how and why you should be using ChatGPT for your company in the first place.

A great starter? Creating some start Standard Operating Procedure prompts for your company, or even your role.

Try this:
After running the prompt above in #1, follow it up with something like this.

(And disclaimer: never upload confidential or proprietary info into ChatGPT or other AI models)

Now, please provide a thorough analysis of my company. Please refer to the above information provided and the competitive SWOT, my company’s ICP, and our customers’ pain points. Also, please see examples of the most common work and tasks that our employees spend their time on, as seen here (insert links to case studies, or end-customer work that showcases how employees spend time at your company). With this in mind, please help us create a set of prompts that can be used to help automate our work at (your company name). Please write 25 comprehensive and detailed prompts that include all relevant information we’ve talked about so far. These prompts should be resources for employees at (your company) to run either on a daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis. These prompts should help us do one of the following: gain better insights into our company, our competitors, our unique selling proposition, improve our products or services, or help our employees automate parts of their workflow. These prompts should serve as internal standard operating procedures or SOPs. With each of the 25 prompts, please include who at our company should use the prompt, how often they should use it, what the intended outcome should be, and any additional follow-up or work that needs to be done to accomplish said tasks. Please list out the 25 prompts in tabular format, so we can easily put this information into a shared spreadsheet for employees to use. Please be detailed and analytical, yet creative.

3 – Get back your time

OK, we’re sounding like a broken record here about all the golden nuggets that Luke dropped in this interview, right? (I mean, it’s our newsletter so we can keep pumping it if we want, right?)

This piece of advice is ultimately why we should all be using Generative AI. Because if you use GenAI correctly, you’ll be able to free up your time for more important things. Like eating cereal. Or, traveling to Bora Bora. Or, whatever it is you value.

Try this:
Track your time. Sounds gross to us, too. But trust us. If you don’t know how you’re using your time, you won’t know how to use AI to be more efficient with your time.

Try tools like Timely or Rize to start with, then find out where you’re spending most of your time. Then, find out which AI tools can help you get that time back.

Now This …

Now that you have ChatGPT helping with ideas and SOPs AND you’re getting time back, you might actually be able to relax for once.

What do you like to in your free time? Anyone have any fun or unique hobbies? Let us know with a reply!


or to participate.